Page 27 - ALG Issue 1 2019
P. 27

    Parsnip Master Class
I would say we get more questions about growing parsnips than any other vegetable in our catalogue. So, I thought it might be a good idea to offer some helpful tips and advice on growing this often-challenging crop.
1. Always buy a fresh packet
of parsnip seeds each year; Old seeds will often give poor germination results.
2. Germination can take 4-8 weeks, so it is wise to sow a few quick germinating radish seeds along the row as a marker crop, allowing you to hoe in between rows without damaging any emerging parsnips, and keep your plot weed-free.
3. Don’t be in too much of a hurry to sow the seed. The soil temperature must be a minimum 7°C. Modern hybrids like Parsnip Gladiator F1 can be sown as late as early May and still produce good roots in time for Christmas.
4. Parsnips are best sown into soil that is not too stony and has not had any manure added to it in the autumn.
5. I find parsnips grow straighter if a hole is punched into the soil with
a crowbar first. This is then filled with a sandy compost mix. Then 3-4 seeds are sown into the top of each hole and lightly covered over and tamped down. Followed by a watering using a can fitted with a fine rose.
6. Once seedlings emerge and
have first true leaves, they can be thinned to one seedling per station.
7. Don’t pull out the thinnings, instead nip them off with your finger nails or a small pair of scissors. This will prevent any root disturbance of
the remaining seedling and prevent
them producing forked roots.
8. Parsnips do not require loads
of water to grow; you want the roots to go down and search for moisture, producing strong healthy roots.
9. Be careful when hoeing, so that the shoulders of the developing roots are not nicked with the hoe as this will allow canker disease to enter the roots.
10. Lift strong healthy parsnips ready for the kitchen; delicious roasted, steamed or added to winter casseroles.

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