Page 50 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2022/23
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North of Scotland DA update
NoSDA were delighted to play host to The Branch for the 2022 Summer Visit and as you would see from the report in the Autumn Simply Veg
all had an enjoyable time. It was particularly pleasing from my point of view that both Rhona Begg and Peter Fitch could be presented with their fellowship awards by our Chairman Ian Stocks; the work that Rhona and Peter put in for NoSDA is very much appreciated.
We held our DA show at Simpsons Garden Centre, Inverness on 10 September in their superb new huge main entrance area and our thanks to Fred Stewart for judging. This location was perfect for us because every visitor to the garden centre had to pass right next to our Show in order to access Simpsons main building and restaurant; a significant number stopped to admire the exhibits and ask questions about vegetables and vegetable gardening, to take leaflets, and to ask about the NVS.
We had fewer DA members entering this year than our previous Shows, but
a reduction in exhibitors and entries seems to have been the case for all local shows following the Covid outbreak. However, we were nevertheless pleased with the number and quality of the entries, which made a good-looking exhibition. In addition to our entries,
we had a small demonstration exhibit
of vegetables, including blanch leeks, pumpkins, potatoes, beans, and large quality onions
Several DA members who were not exhibiting this year attended, including stalwart Stuart Oakley and his wife who once again travelled by ferry and bus and with some blanch leeks and carrots from the Isle of Lewis specially to attend our Show.
Class 1 Four White Potatoes: 6 entries
1st Davy Munro 2nd Bruce Begg 3rd Bob Marshall
Class 2 Four Coloured Potatoes:
8 entries
1st Hoss Martin – Best Exhibit in Classes 1 to 9
2nd Bob Marshall
3rd Hoss Martin
Class 3 Five Runner Beans: 4 entries
1st Peter Fitch 2nd Peter Fitch 3rd Bruce Begg
Class 4 Three Globe Beetroot: 2 entries
1st Hoss Martin
2nd Bruce Begg
Class 5 Three Onions from Setts: 4 entries
1st Hoss Martin
2nd Bruce Begg
3rd Peter Fitch
Class 6 Three Onions from Seed <250gms: 3 entries
1st Bruce Begg
2nd Bruce Begg
3rd Bob Marshall
Class 7 Three Stump Carrots: 3 entries
1st Bruce Begg
2nd Hoss Martin
3rd Hoss Martin
Class 8 Six Shallots: 2 entries
1st Hoss Martin 2nd Bruce Begg
Class 9 Four Medium Tomatoes: 6 entries
1st Bob Marshall
2nd Bruce Begg
3rd Bob Marshall
Class 10 Mini-Collection: 3 entries
1st Bruce Begg – Best in Show 2nd Hoss Martin
3rd Hoss Martin
Class 11 Box of Kitchen Vegetables: 6 entries
1st Davy Munro
2nd Bob Marshall
3rd Bruce Begg
Class 12 Three Red Onions “Medwyn’s 37-222”: 4 entries 1st Bob Marshall
2nd Bruce Begg
3rd Bob Marshall
Class 13 Any Other Vegetable: 15 entries
1st Bruce Begg
2nd Peter Fitch
3rd Bruce Begg
Bruce Begg won Best exhibit, with David Munro winning best trug and Hoss Martin winning best exhibit without collections. It was a very enjoyable day and hopefully we have rekindled local interest in showing with a number of the public asking questions throughout the day
John (Hoss) Martin NoSDA, Chair
DA meetings for 2023
These will be held at the Chieftain Hotel Inverness at 7.30 pm Members and non-members all welcome.
31 January 2023
This year John Mackay is not in a position to compile his usual slide show from his own photos for the AGM. However, John has kindly offered to put together some slides if we can provide him with some photos.
Details for the AGM will be sent out nearer the time.
28 February 2023
Martin Cook on Garden Birds
Martin is an expert on birds, and he will talk about garden birds as friends and enemies of gardeners – devourers of pests, songsters to accompany us while gardening, how we can encourage useful birds, nesting sites, timing of operations so as to encourage birds and not disturb them, and other interesting and useful information about birds.
28 March 2023
John Martin on Beetroot
Just in time for our Spring sowing season, Hoss will enlighten us with details of how he grows his Beetroot
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