Page 53 - Light Dragoons 2023 CREST
P. 53

                                 September saw A, C and HQ Sqn deploy to the Galloway Forest to continue to develop the lessons learned from Ex
WESSEX STORM earlier in the year. The QOY also came on the Ex with the XO Major Lick Nees as part of their Annual Deployment Exercise (ADE). This was a great opportunity for the QOY to train together and continue the great relation- ship we have. The main emphasis of this Ex was to allow our soldiers, be they regu- lar or reservists, to get the basics right in a low pressure environment, especially since we had completed Ex WS. The Light Dragoons had received a lot of new soldiers from their Phase 2 training at Bovington.
The first week saw the sqns conducting individual, troop and Sqn level training in the forest and ‘going back to basics’, conducting cam and concealment, vehicle movement, CTR’s and Op’s. A Sqn and the DoW Sqn from the QOY conducted 2 x 48hr battle lanes (mounted and dismounted) to confirm the training that they had already covered earlier in the week. Concurrently, HQ Sqn sustained the forward troops by providing ES support from the LAD and the A1 who on a regular basis drove 200 miles plus, to collect equipment spares to ensure the vehicle fleet remained on the Ex.
Unfortunately, just before the Ex started, we all received the devastating news of the passing of our Queen. The regiment and the QOY ensured that the Ex came to a halt for the State Funeral and the Padre performed a very memorable Field Service.
The second phase of the Ex saw A Sqn and the DoW Sqn from the QOY come together against C Sqn as the Enemy for the regimental led training to which the Legion enjoyed thoroughly. A Sqn and the DoW Sqn advanced through the for- est to identify routes and C Sqn positions through Galloway Forest, before setting up Observation Posts (mounted and dis- mounted) to identify crossing points on the river.
C Sqn advanced in their Land Rovers across the Fording Point Commanded by Major Henry ‘Freemanski’ (OC C Sqn). OC Legionnaires then managed to domi- nate the crossing point and forced the
Emperor (OC A Sqn) to withdraw from their positions and delay the advance of the Enemy. They maintained eyes on the Legion before handing over the battle.
A Sqn and the DoW Sqn after conduct- ing a REPLEN and Refurb, then went in to Observation Posts to keep eyes on the Enemy and try to identify their Headquarters, to which they did and they subsequently carried out CTR’s to iden- tify numbers, routes in and out, forming up points for an early morning attack to destroy the Enemy.
Just as the sun was rising, A Sqn bolstered by a Tp from the Dow Sqn started mov- ing in to position to Raid the En HQ. The remainder of the QOY Sqn acted as cut off. Just before H-hr the silence of the early morning was disturbed by the sound of Artillery fire and GPMG fire from the FSG engaging targets. A Sqn moved swiftly on to target to clear the C Sqn, who offered flimsy resistance, allowing A sqn to reign victorious!
All in all, a very successful Exercise that allowed our younger soldiers and offic- ers to learn in an Ex that was conceived, designed, run, implemented, marshalled and signed off by the inspirational Major Cuthbertson and his assistant, Lees, as most of the RHQ staff were deployed on Op INTERFLEX.
The success of this Exercise/ADE ensured that The Light Dragoons maintained their Readiness as well as their close working relationship that will hopefully see them come together again in 2023.
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
 Ex Galloping Dragoon

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