Page 101 - MERCIAN Eagle 2018
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                                that there is now a
comprehensive record
of all 3005 medals in the
Museum’s collection.
John’s research has
enabled biographical
information and pictures
to be added to the
display of the medals,
greatly improving
the experience and
understanding of our
visitors. This resource is of incalculable value not only to the museum staff and researchers, but also to the wider public.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of most
small museums and the Mercian Regiment Museum (Worcestershire) is no exception. We are so very pleased to highlight, not only the achievements of John and Pat, but the work of all our volunteers who are currently working across the full spectrum of museum activities, including research, collections care and learning. This year, they have catalogued and photographed over 546 objects. The overall collection now stands at 13053 items. Thanks to the dedication
of our volunteers the majority of the loose photographic prints have been sorted, boxed, listed and scanned. Their work contributed towards the completion of our retrospective documentation action plan, which led to the award of Full Accreditation status awarded to the Museum by Arts Council England on 10th May 2018.
In its wider community role, the Museum has continued to play a leading role in
the Heritage Lottery Funded partnership Worcestershire World War 100 and the county centenary commemorations. Our
summer exhibition held in the Worcestershire Soldier Gallery at the City Museum and Art Gallery, Worcester
was entitled: “The Kaiserschlacht: The German Spring Offensive of 1918”. It ran from 21st March to 20th July 2018 and was well received,
being seen by over 6000 visitors. The museum also took part in “Worcestershire Remembers” – a showcase of activity commemorating the Centenary of the First World War. This was held in the Guildhall, Worcester, on 4th August 2018, on the 104th anniversary of the outbreak of War and was opened by Sir Peter Luff, Chair of the Heritage Lottery Fund.
Our final exhibition to mark the centenary of the end of the First War was: “One man’s war” – the service of Private William Hadley of Dudley. Hadley originally enlisted in the Worcestershire Regiment for a period of three years with the colours in 1903. He was recalled from the Reserve and is on
the embarkation roll of 2 WORC as a Pte to join the British Expeditionary Force arriving at Boulogne 14/8/14. An interesting record held is his pencilled hand-written accounts of his movements and actions from being mobilised on 4/8/14 until after New Year 1915 when they took over breast works in front of Festubert. His record indicates he was wounded on 20/9/14. He was awarded an MM in 1916 and continued to serve until the end of the war.
The Museum was represented on 21st March at the VC stone laying event in Islington to commemorate Major-General Frank Crowther Roberts by our Chairman, Lt Col Mark Jackson OBE and again at a ceremony in Neuve Eglise on the 14th April for Lt. John Crowe. The Museum was also represented at the final Worcestershire Regiment VC commemoration that of Colonel George Grogan took place at Devonport on 29th May. To mark these most important events the museum published the following articles relating to the Worcesters’ VC holders:
“How Frank Roberts stormed Pargny” (Maj. Gen. F. Roberts): The Listening Post April, 2018.
“A deed of reckless courage” (Brig. G. Grogan): WR Magazine, Spring, 2018.
Our centenary activities were rounded
off by responding to a request from the Vicar of, former garrison church of The Worcestershire Regiment, St James, Norton for a loan of World War I displays to mark the Armistice.
The Museum has come to the end of its Arts Council funded oral history project on the experiences of Afro-Caribbean soldiers in the Regiment. This has greatly enhanced our understanding and recognition of African Caribbean soldiers’ contribution and legacy in Regimental and wider British military history – starting with the heritage of Black Drummers of the 29th Foot, the experience has been brought up to date with 4 oral history interviews that bring to life Afro Caribbean soldier’s experiences in the modern era. Therefore, we would like to thank all those who took part; in particular Capt. Llewellyn Gayle, WO1 Owen Lewis,
The Mercian Regiment party at the ceremony in Neuve Eglise for Lt John
Crowe on 14 April 2018
 Volunteers are the lifeblood of most small museums and the Mercian Regiment Museum (Worcestershire) is no exception.

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