Page 29 - MERCIAN Eagle 2018
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                                the NCOs qualifying as MATT 3 instructors. We have also had numerous personnel complete IPro, RS, MATT 4, 9, Skill at Arms and B Qual. As a senior platoon many
of our junior and potential leaders have completed promotional courses at the Specialist Weapon School, Mortar Division and with the PJNCO Kings Division Training Team. With two armoured variants in our 16-vehicle fleet, the majority of our soldiers have passed driving courses for either CVR(T) or Bulldog. All NCOs are expected to, and have qualified as commanders on both platforms.
Adventurous training (AT) has taken
a high precedence in-between military activity. 95% of the platoon have conducted numerous AT packages in over three different continents and 7 different countries including Canada, Oman, Sweden, France, Wales and Cyprus. Activities have included Nordic skiing, horseback trekking, sky diving, rock climbing, mountain biking, kayaking, Alpine mountaineering, sailing, surfing, snorkelling and scuba diving.
It has also been a successful year for sport. Returning from the extreme heat
of the Oman desert, 8 individuals from
the newly formed Biathlon Team swiftly redeployed to the equally challenging but polar opposite conditions of the sub-
zero Swedish mountains. In Idre Fjall, the Mortar soldiers completed a physically and
Recce Platoon – Capt Elliot
Ex SAIF SAREEA 3 was the highlight of the Pl’s Year. The Pl was split up for the first six months of the year to support the other Pl’s in DRAGON Coy, which meant that when the Pl reformed in June we knew that we were on a tight schedule to be ready to deploy to Oman in September.
Our first priority was to train up soldiers ready for the roles they were going to fulfil in Oman. Cpls Willis and Bothamley passed juniors last year but were still only trained as drivers so it was essential to get them ready to be commanders before we flew
OC Mortars noble steed for a week of pony trekking in the Rockies / Canada / Jul 18
 mentally demanding 4-week training camp to prepare for the Infantry and Divisional Championships taking place in the French Alps during early 2019. Three individuals have qualified as Boxing Coaches and
to Oman. We also had some turnover in Pl HQ. Sgt Lawrence had passed the selection to become a CSgt Instructor at Sandhurst, so we bade farewell to him and in his place CSgt Buckley joined the Pl as Pl 2ic; fresh from a posting as a Pl Sgt in Harrogate
and Sgt Barton joined the Pl as Pl Sgt from C Coy.
Cpl Durrant had the steep task of facilitating all our instructors to get ten soldiers trained on the CVR(T) Scimitar ready for Oman and did this role excellently.
have delivered training to both the battalion boxing team and the Mortar Platoon during PT sessions. We have also represented the Bn in cross country, rugby, judo and football.
We deployed in late September into
the 40-degree heat of the desert. For the first few days our minds were completely focussed on safety; hydration, rest and looking after our buddies. This was the best way to get through the acclimatisation period. Once we were in the desert Recce
   Recce Pl at ease – in the baking heat of the Omani sun, members of recce pl take shelter in the shade of a Scimitar / Oman / Oct 18
CSgt Buckley (dismounted) briefs Capt Elliott on the clearance patrol whilst setting a hide / Oman / Oct 18
Pl Comd: Pl 2IC:
Pl Sgt:
Pl Cpl:
Pl Tech Cpl:
Capt O Elliott CSgt N Buckley Sgt A Barton Cpl M Kirton Cpl D Durrant

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