Page 46 - MERCIAN Eagle 2018
P. 46

                                    Nordic Skiing – Capt Zeal
Rooted in Arctic Warfare, few sports can rival the relevance of Nordic Skiing and Biathlon to the Infantry soldier. Deploying overseas in the most challenging of conditions, cross-country skiing demands the highest measures of determination and physical endurance; at the professional level, its participants are widely recognised as having the highest VO2 max of any other sportspeople; biathlon brings the additional element of target shooting and here are demonstrated the marksmanship skills that are so vital in dismounted close combat; Nordic skiing truly requires the transferable expertise and attributes essential for Dismounted Close Combat warfare.
Since the MERCIAN Regiment amalgamation this is the first time that it has formed a Nordic Ski Team. Despite their inexperience, the team have set their goals high by aiming to compete in both the Infantry and Divisional Championships in early 2019. After returning from the extreme heat of Oman, the newly formed team had to quickly adapt to the freezing conditions of North Sweden. Deploying in November on a 4-week training camp in the resort of Idre Fjall, the 8-man novice team conducted a comprehensive and demanding programme led by former Olympians and national team coaches. With world-class tuition and access to the Swedish National Cross-Country Centre,
This was underpinned by strength and conditioning, cardiovascular and flexibility training.
L – R LCpl Limbu, Pte Binks, LCpl Sibanyoni, Capt Zeal, Pte Tyson / Sweden / Dec 18
Idre Fjall / Sweden / Nov 18
 resources have paralleled those provided
to professional athletes. The arduous training camp developed participants in various aspects, from skate and classic skiing technique, .22 Rifle marksmanship and equipment maintenance. This was underpinned by strength and conditioning, cardiovascular and flexibility training. With soldiers being pushed to their physical limits in an unforgiving environment, the team
is now well prepared and looking forward
to the Infantry Championships in January 2019.
If you interested in joining the Nordic
Ski Team please speak to OC Nordic, Captain Andrew Zeal: andrew.zeal473@ or his 2IC, LCpl Simeon Scott: Previous experience is not required. Alternatively, there are Nordic Foundation (NF) courses running every winter in the Alps at no cost to participants.
     Pte Sibanyoni Biathalon Training / Sweden / Dec 18
Early Morning Training / Sweden / Dec 18
Capt Zeal marksmanship training / Sweden / Dec 18

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