Page 51 - MERCIAN Eagle 2018
P. 51

                                  A Coy Advising and mentoring METF
Elements of A (Grenadier) Company and
D (Dragon) Company, 2 MERCIAN, were deployed to the New Kabul Compound (NKC) in Afghanistan as part of Op TORAL 6. The primary task of this deployment
was to advise and mentor members of the Mongolian Expeditionary Task Force (METF). As a NATO partner, Mongolian soldiers are utilised to assist with Force Protection and manning Entry Control Points (ECPs) and a Quick Reaction Force (QRF).
The Mongolians are an exceptionally professional outfit. We worked with them every day on ECPs and when carrying out or rehearsing QRF tasks.
 We found the key to advising and mentoring soldiers from another nation was to learn the language. This started with some very funny language lessons from
the METF Sergeant
Major. The lads really
embraced the task and
persevered with it, even
with their Mongolian
language teacher in
stitches at the sound
of his language being
spoken in a broad
Midland accent.
The lessons paid off. By the end of the tour we were carrying out rehearsals and drills with our Mongolian counterparts using only Mongolian words of command. The lads would practice their language while mentoring their METF counterparts on
the ECPs. LCpl Laba and Pte Goodwin
in particular stood out at grasping the language well. LCpl Laba was awarded a picture of Genghis Khan for his efforts which was a great moment on the tour.
The rapport built between the two nations was great to see. It became more and more clear that regardless of what army you’re in or country you’re from, soldiers are soldiers. The two units
would always interact like old friends at the beginning of rehearsals and, in true soldier fashion, joke at each other’s expense.
The end of tour for our first Mongolian contingent culminated in a fantastic night of Mongolian and British music and awards presented between the two units. We were treated to the playing of some traditional Mongolian instruments. However, Pte Thorne stole the show with a remarkable rendition of Titanic’s theme tune ‘My heart
will go on’ by Celine Dion. The room was in hysterics in reaction to his enthusiastic and energetic performance!
We enjoyed our time working with the Mongolians and built strong relationships with them throughout the tour. I believe the effort from the blokes really did have an impact on developing the METF as soldiers. Through effective communication and guidance our two units operated
well together. This tour gave 2 MERCIAN soldiers the opportunity to broaden their horizons. For the duration of the time they were at NKC, they embraced another culture while building relationships with our international colleagues and spreading their own knowledge and experiences.
 The rapport built between the two nations was great to see.
On return from Op TRENTON the majority of A (Grenadier) Coy deployed to Val Thorens on Ex FROSTED GRENADIER to undertake ski foundation 1 (SF1) qualification. The company had a mixed competency level and the reality resulting in two groups: one gracefully carving down red and black runs, while the other group got to grips with stopping on the green slopes with some difficulty.
Despite early difficulties, the beginner group quickly took to the mountains and were confidently (possibly over-confidently) skiing technical red runs. This success
was of course accompanied by some spectacular wipe-outs when the enthusiasm and confidence of the Grenadiers vastly overshadowed their ability. Concurrently
the advanced group honed their technical skills and were certainly pushed out of
their comfort zones on some challenging runs. The advanced group also had the opportunity to ski out of Val Thorens and
across the majority of the Three Valleys and take in the breath-taking views the area had to offer. The week finished with a company social enjoying a traditional alpine meal of fondue alongside raclette and a few beers before the long journey back across France the next day.
Overall Ex FROSTED GRENADIER was hugely successful and provided fun
and excitement on return from a long six months in South Sudan. It was clear that every individual from complete novice to experienced skier unquestionably benefitted from having the chance to enjoy the skiing (and the après ski); which the picturesque setting of Val Thorens provided ample opportunity for.

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