Page 59 - MERCIAN Eagle 2018
P. 59

                                    Mortar Platoon – WO2 SMD Leach, OC Mortars
Following an extremely strong performance for the Mortar Platoon on Op FIRIC the beginning of 2018 saw 2 MERCIAN mortars focus on the task of ensuring the platoon was trained and qualified for the Resident Support Battalion (RSB) commitment in Cyprus.
The main focus of the Platoon was to prepare for the Numbers and Executives (Execs) Cadre that would qualify all members of the Platoon in their job specific role. This also involved
of 1 Artillery Brigade in a Multinational Joint Fires Exercise. The exercise consisted of 15 nations which included; fast air, precision munitions, artillery and mortars.
The cadre was both challenging and rewarding and maintains the Battalion’s offensive support capability even despite the exceptional weather in Bavaria!!
The rest of the year has seen the MFCs deploy in support of Ex STEEL DRAGON with 5 Regiment Royal Artillery in more
soldiers benefited hugely from it. The focus then switched to preparing for the unit move to Cyprus, which was hastened by
a short-term deployment on Op TORAL
as part of the Regional Standby Battalion. This saw the majority of the Platoon deploy to provide force protection for the advisors to the Operation RESOLUTE SUPPORT in Kabul. It was also the first deployment on operations for many of the junior soldiers within the Platoon; their professionalism has shone through under some very high-level scrutiny and pressure.
Congratulations must go to LCpls Lymer and Studholme who successfully completed the mortar standard course. Sgt’s Lightfoot, Pendlebury and Ward have also completed the Range Management Qualification during this extremely busy and varied year. We look forward to welcoming CSgt Lennon into the Platoon as he takes over the role of Mortar Platoon Second in Command.
training the new arrivals to the Platoon. Within this exercise several JNCOs conducted pre- training for the Mortar Standards Course
which they would be attending later in the year.
The cadre was both challenging and rewarding...
synthetic training serials. MATT’s training has been conducted throughout the year as part of our preparation for RSB. Special thanks must go to Sgt Hornsby for his MATT 5 NAVEX
  The Execs Cadre was split into 2 phases between Swynerton Training Camp (STC) and Grafenwoehr Training Area (GTA) in Bavaria which would culminate
in us supporting 1 Artillery Brigade on
The first phase in STC saw the new members of the platoon being put through their paces under the guidance and instruction of the old dogs of mortaring. This also ran hand in hand with the Execs Cadre which would develop the LCpls in becoming proficient Assistant Command Post Operators. This combined training enabled the assaulting forces to achieve fire support overmatch, destroy the enemy’s will and cohesion, neutralising his forces and denying him the use of the ground.
The second phase saw the Platoon conduct a road move to GTA via the Channel ports and an overnight stop in Sennelager. We spent the first week honing our skills from phase 1 and conducting physical training on the local training
area. The Mortar Fire Controllers (MFCs) also conducted synthetic training in the
US version of a VBS suite. The cadre culminated in 5 days of live firing in support
around Mount Snowdon National Park, this was a fantastic day of training focussed upon navigation and team building, the

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