Page 6 - MERCIAN Eagle 2018
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                                 4 THE MERCIAN EAGLE
Pte Derby XXXII
Cpl Thornton
2018 began as 2017 had finished on a very
busy footing for Pte Derby, the Ram Orderly Pte Bradbury and myself. The year began with a heavy focus on training Pte Derby XXXII to ensure he
would meet the meticulous standards expected
of the Regimental Mascot. Pte Derby responded
incredibly well to his training and demonstrated
his high calibre very early on. On advice from
a military vet we acquired a companion for Pte
Derby who was quite appropriately named Notts.
It has been great to see the positive impact this
has had on Pte Derby in being able to share his
accommodation with a companion.
Pte Derby once again returned to Derby County FC to lead the team out and started the year with
a victory and wildly cheered on by the “Rams”
fans. April saw the annual trip to Nottingham
Castle to mark Badajoz Day with the raising of a
scarlet tunic. This event was well attended and
offered a great opportunity to conduct some
recruiting within one of our home counties. In
June, Derby had the high-profifile honour of leading
out the Warrington Wolves live on TV, which was a
fantastic experience.
The Tom Sephton Memorial Trophy continues to be a regular feature in Derby’s calendar and a
great day was enjoyed here this year. The event
continues to be one that Derby and the wider
Regimental family are proud to support. July saw
us attend the annual Regimental pilgrimage to the
village of Crich in Derbyshire. This year afforded
a fantastic turnout as well as brilliant weather to
make it an extremely memorable day. Another
key event in July saw Pte Derby the XXXII make
his fifirst appearance at the Buxton Military Tattoo,
which was a proud moment for the Ram Orderly
and myself. August saw trips to Derby County
and Rufford Golf course, showing our support to the Mercian golf day and a trip to the Nottingham Theatre Royal to promote a play called the Wipers Times. This trip also saw Pte Derby meet the plays writers Ian Hislop and Nick Newman and involvement in the photo call for the debut night.
The highlight of the year was in September where Pte Derby, Ram Orderly and myself were invited to participate in the first Regimental mascot handlers course. This focused on a wide variety
of subjects including care and maintenance, basic treatment and correct procedures for the moving of mascots. On completion of the course Pte Derby received 2 of the available 5 awards up for grabs: “Best Mascots Accommodation” and “Best Bearing and Turnout”. It was definitely the proudest moment of my Ram Major career so far.
During October and November, Derby travelled to various VC unveilings and went to the Games of Remembrance as well with the British Army’s men and women’s football team playing the German Army’s Team. And finally, in November, Derby had a trip to Catterick to attend a Passing Out parade, which saw 27 MERCIAN soldiers pass off the square. A huge well done to them and welcome to the regimental family.
In December, Pte Bradbury and myself had a Trip to Cyprus where we trained up a Ram known as Pte Derby XXXII Bravo for a VIP visit, which was thoroughly enjoyed.
December saw Notts and Derby return to their Christmas home on the Chatsworth estate for a thoroughly deserved break. We look forward to what 2019 brings for us and the opportunities that will be made available as part of Pte Derby’s handling team.
Stand Firm Strike Hard.
Pte Derby XXXII Regimental Mascot and Prince Charles

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