Page 87 - MERCIAN Eagle 2018
P. 87

                                 The RMAS Instructors Cadre 2019 – Maj N Lygo
Being OC Short Courses for the first
eight months of my RMAS tenure meant
I not only had the pleasure of running the Commissioning Course Short (CCS); an eight-week shortened commissioning course aimed at Reservists, Professionally Qualified Officers and International Students but also the yearly Instructor Cadre to
select the next batch of top quality RMAS Instructors. The importance of the cadre was not lost on me; get it right and the quality of officers commissioning into Regiments and Corps is maintained or even improved over the next two years, get it wrong and I will fail the Academy and the Field Army. The Cadre has just finished, and I have the upmost respect for all those that chose to attend, it is not always easy to
put your head above the parapet and risk failure, especially at SNCO level, but many did, and I am proud of the 31 highly capable SNCOs that were selected.
Serve to Lead – Maj Lygo getting amongst it during the Tactical Command Task (TCT) and casualty extraction
 59 started the Cadre,
53 finished and 31 were
selected to take post
in September 2019. To
get selected there is no
doubt you need to be
at the top of your game;
your fitness levels need
to be high, your moral
compass needs to be
pointing due north and you need to be an imaginative, professional and inspirational instructor. Sadly, the Mercian Regiment and the King’s Division were poorly represented in what seemed to be a particularly ‘Guards and Para-heavy’ cadre. Having recently left RD with the 2nd Battalion, I know we have the talent out there, so it was frustrating that none of it had made it on to Cadre 19. I have worked with so many high calibre Corporals and Sergeants who would have done well on the Cadre and represented
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst – Training the next generation
of Mercian Officers
Company Commander Maj NJ Lygo
Company Sergeant Major WO2 (CSM) J Timperley
the cap badge with distinction; you know who you are, so get yourself on Cadre
20 – please! For those considering it, I offer the following tips for success:
Be yourself. I always thought this was a throwaway line, but it is critical. Do not try to be the soldier, person
or instructor you aren’t. You will get found out. Be the best version of yourself and you will be fine.
Be fit. The overall fitness standard on
the cadre is impressive. Average PFA time was well under 9 mins. You do not have
to be a superhuman because fitness isn’t everything, but you need to be fit enough to pass all military tests with ease.
Be a team player. Nothing is more impressive than someone who digs out blind for a team or for their peers and expects little or no thanks. That sort of behaviour does get noticed, either by the staff or by your peers in the weekly peer reviews.
Be comfortable instructing. Practice, practice, practice. On the cadre you will deliver circa 5 lessons and plan a whole lot more. Being a natural, confident instructor is half the battle. Work on it before you arrive.
Be professional. This encapsulates all
the points above. The staff at RMAS are amongst the most professional and diligent I have ever had the pleasure of working with, prove you will fit in by turning up with that mindset on the cadre.
If you have any questions about serving at RMAS, get in touch with me or any of the RMAS team who will be happy to discuss any aspect.
 To get selected there is no doubt you need to be at the top of your game...
  CSgt Instructor
CSgt Instructor
CSgt Instructor
CIS Div Lead
CQMS Old College CSgt M Jones Commissioning Course 173: 2Lt Connor,
CSgt S Coates CSgt D Lawrence CSgt J Massey CSgt D Pritchard
2Lt Olive, 2Lt Sidwell
Commissioning Course 181: 2Lt Davies,
2Lt Nicholson, 2Lt Tuck Commissioning Course 182:
2Lt Davenport, 2Lt Rhodes, 2Lt Woodward
Up the steps – CoR, Mercian Instructors and the new 2Lts of Commissioning Course 181 shortly after their Commissioning Parade

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