Page 15 - Out Birding Spring 2024
P. 15

 looking at taking bookings very early to give you 􏰀me to make good travel choices and perhaps plan a holiday around your trip. There are more details in this issue of OB and a booking form will be sent out very soon. There are other issues raised and discussed at the commi􏰁ee mee􏰀ng and are summarised by our Secretary, Greg.
Oh, I didn’t tell you what my 200th species was. I was with George and Richard Lazenby who was visi􏰀ng, and we saw two Bewick’s Swans at the Loch of Strathbeg. This was a local rarity and a self find, which made it all the sweeter.
Notification of Extra Events or Alterations to Events
If you want an email sent out about an extra event, or informa􏰀on about an exis􏰀ng event, it would be really helpful if you could please do it in the following way.
Send the informa􏰀on by email to . Please include a heading for the email as well as the exact text that you want sent out. If it is a new event, make sure you have included all the details and that it’s all accurate. There is no need to put anything above or below in the way of gree􏰀ngs or thanks!
If you want to a􏰁end one of these events, please contact the organiser rather than responding to the GBC email address.
Risk Assessments for Events
This is a reminder to all event leaders that a risk assessment must be made for each event, using the online pro-forma. This follows the review of the club’s Health and Safety Policy carried out last year.
Please use the link below to complete the risk assessment for your event as soon as possible afterwards. I will check the link regularly and send gentle reminders.
One leader has contacted me to ask for a paper copy of the form: if anyone else needs this facility, please get in touch with me.

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