Page 2 - Out Birding Issue 109 Winter 2022
P. 2

4-13 Event Reports
13 Events at a Glance
Trivia Quiz
14 View from the Chair
15 Seeking an Independent Examiner IT System Upgrade
Emoji Quiz
16-21 AGM Minutes
22 Tribute to Mike
23 All Quiz Answers
24-25 Extremadura Again
25 GGT13 and 14
26 Regional Contacts
27 Commi􏰀ee Members
Cover image: Blue Rock Thrush: Ian Back cover: All named and credited
Once again our report writers have been busy and have provided 11 pages of very interes􏰁ng and joyful accounts of days out. Our events are the backbone of the club, providing as they do opportuni􏰁es to meet, to learn and to make friends.
With this mailing you will receive the calendar for 2023 with over 70 events in many parts of the country. I hope that the cost of living increases do not stop you from joining in. If you have never a􏰀ended one before you can be assured of a warm welcome and a guarantee that you will know more at the end of the day than you did at the beginning.
As always, this edi􏰁on includes the Minutes of the Annual General Mee􏰁ng. It fell to Greg, to sum up succinctly all that was said and he has done a splendid
job in his first year as Secretary.
It is 17 years since I edited my first Out Birding and there have been many changes in the GBC over that 􏰁me. The big change revealed at the AGM is that Mike is stepping down as Chair a􏰂er 4 years. He has achieved a great deal for the GBC during his incumbency and many of them are outlined on page 22, along with hear􏰃elt apprecia􏰁on from the commi􏰀ee. His legacy will endure and be further enriched by Andy Webb who takes on the role of Chair for the second 􏰁me.
John Hudson has also decided to step down from the commi􏰀ee. John was one of the founders of the club and has given great service to us for decades; not least for the huge part he played in taking the bookings for Grand Get Togethers.
I usually provide a non-birdie quiz in the November edi􏰁on and, following some posi􏰁ve comments about the Emoji Quiz in August, I have provided another. It is on well known sayings so should be accessible to all.
Finally, I was asked to change the font I use for OB to a non-serif in order to make it easier to read on screen. Please let me know what you think.
I hope that the fast approaching winter is kind to us all and we remain in good health and spirits.
Copy date for the next edi􏰁on is 9th January 2023
 Views expressed in OB are the views of the contributors and are not necessarily shared by the editor, commi􏰀ee or members of the GBC.

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