Page 25 - Out Birding Issue 109 Winter 2022
P. 25

Even on our non-birding day to visit the impressive Roman sights of Merida, it was the birds that stole the show. Near the Roman Bridge, a large colony of Ca􏰀le Egrets in- cluded around twenty Glossy Ibis. Closer inspec􏰁on revealed a couple of Spoonbills, and an adult Night Heron with spo􏰀y juvenile. A rather ta􏰀y Black Vulture dri􏰂ed overhead, and then a Short-toed Eagle. Wow! On the river, a pair of Muscovy Ducks and a posse of domes􏰁c/Greylag Geese brought us back to earth.
A great trip overall. Shame to miss the GBC group jaunt, but fantas􏰁c to experience Extremadura. The advantage of June is that all spring migrants are present, even late arrivals like White-rumped Swi􏰂 and Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin. And many have bred, so juveniles and family groups add interest. The obvious disadvantage is that the mid- dle of the day gets uncomfortably hot for both you and the birds. Siestas all round. Extremadura had been in my birding dreams since first lockdown. It’s now right at the top of my places to revisit.
Ian Mc Donald
Grand Get Together 13 Important News
At the 􏰁me of going to print, we have 58 par􏰁cipants and only 2 double or twin rooms le􏰂.
If you have missed your chance of a room at The Savoy, we suggest that you book other accommoda􏰁on and join us for dinner each evening. The price payable to GBC will be £62 and covers 2 dinners and the ceilidh.
In the past, GBC members have stayed at Ha􏰀ers Hotel which is very close to Gibraltar Point. It has good ra􏰁ngs.
For bookings, including dinners and ceilidh, contact Liz
For details about the organisa􏰁on of the weekend or advice about accommoda􏰁on contact Pat pat.cro􏰂on@b􏰁
Grand Get Together 14 2025
It will be the GBC’s 30th anniversary in 2025 and the commi􏰀ee is beginning to plan the Grand Get Together for that year. It will be held in the spring, probably over the weekend of 25-28 April (3 nights). That will be a􏰂er Easter.
We are asking club members to make sugges􏰁ons about the loca􏰁on of the event. We have had two so far: Speyside and The New Forest.
If you have any ideas please let me know by email. Thanks. pat.cro􏰂on@b􏰁

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