Page 9 - Out Birding Issue 109 Winter 2022
P. 9

the reedbed. Bearded Tits called from only a ma􏰀er of metres away but unfortunately never came into view. An o􏰀er spraint showed what else was lurking out there, un- seen.
We returned to the bank and walked un􏰁l we found a good vantage point but all we could pick out were numerous Reed Bun􏰁ngs and a few Sedge Warblers. Heading back west a family of Grey Wagtails on the track was a pleasant surprise.
We stopped for a scan at any gap in the trees and this eventually paid off with pro- longed views of a female Marsh Harrier. Otherwise, there was li􏰀le to pick out, though a flock of Lapwings rose into view as the 􏰁de came up and submerged the distant mudflats that lay beyond the reeds.
Further west, near Port Allen, the reeds enclosed some open water which held a young Mute Swan family, a pair of Li􏰀le Grebes and a hun􏰁ng Grey Heron. With the threat of rain, we headed back across the farmland to return to Errol, with Green- finch, Linnet and Tree Sparrow among the species added to the day list.
The shower soon passed, so we decided to finish the day with a walk up nearby Kin- noull Hill, where a path leads up through woodland to a folly on the summit. The birds in the woods were laying low, however, save for a nice pair of Bullfinches and close views of a perched Buzzard. The panorama from the folly, which sits on a cliff edge with a great view out towards Fife, was a nice way to end the day.
Taskers Meadow/Stockton Cu􏰂ng 23/07/2022
12 members met at Nelson’s Wharf by kind permission of the owners who not only allowed us to park but also to use their picnic benches and loos! Sue W had brought along some moths ‘trapped’ in her garden and everyone enjoyed seeing Black Arches, Chocolate Tip, Scalloped Oak, both Poplar & Elephant Hawks and lots of Underwings. It was great to see several I have never seen in our garden 35 miles away including a Chocolate Tip.
We set off to the meadows and cu􏰂ng and iden􏰁fied 16 species of bu􏰀erfly including Brown Argus, Common Blue, Ringlet & Comma. Also, a couple of species of day flying moths. Birds were not par􏰁cularly plen􏰁ful, but it was good to
see a female Bullfinch, Swallows & House Mar􏰁ns and both
Green & Great Spo􏰀ed Woodpecker.
Lunch was a picnic overlooking the canal followed by a shorter walk for some to see the areas we had missed before lunch. A􏰃er that various op􏰁ons were discussed and the favoured one was to return to our house for tea and cake. Some people are just so easily tempted by cake, all from our community shop! A fun social GBC day with some summer wildlife thrown in! Caroline

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