Page 10 - Oundle Life June 2022
P. 10

                                OUNDLE MUSEUM
A Policeman’s lot
 I am a member of the Oundle Museum Management Committee. The Museum occupies part of the building which was the Old Courthouse and Police Station and has been part of my life for many years; I have
a great affection for it. It was built in 1877
and was one of many Police Stations and Courtrooms built in the county. I was stationed at this Police Station in December 1977 following the retirement of Sgt. Joe Clamping. I moved to the new Police Station in February 1978, which was officially opened in the March of that year when I was 32 years old. I was soon joined by another Sergeant, Mick Maher.
I gave evidence in the Old Courthouse in the 1970s when I was in CID. Mrs. Measures was the Chairwoman at the time.
The Courthouse closed in 1987 when all cases were transferred to Corby Magistrates Court. Sadly, the building became derelict and was in a very sad condition, but thanks to a lottery grant it was converted to the lovely facility it is today, and with the Museum, is an asset to the town.
This is definitely one of the most important buildings in the town. It also incorporated two Police houses and in 1951 a radio controlled Police car was stationed in Oundle, one of 7 in the County. The car was driven by PC Woolman, who lived in Barnwell. In those days there was a Sergeant at Kings Cliffe, Jack Neesham, he was the only armed officer during WWII.
On a personal level, I am so happy to live in this amazing town with my large family; it has given me a living and a great life.
The Museum is very short of stewards following the pandemic and we are looking for volunteers. It is a very satisfying role, and you get to meet some really interesting visitors. Don Campbell
    The Museum is open at present Saturdays & Sundays 1-4pm. We look forward to seeing you all there. If you feel you would like to volunteer please contact us on email: or via facebook

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