Page 28 - Oundle Life June 2022
P. 28

Planting kindness
The Blooming Oundle project volunteers have teamed up with the Friends of Oundle Library to create a visual feast of floral displays ready for the town’s Jubilee celebrations. Themed in the colours of red, white and blue (of course!), this summer’s displays are the teams’ tribute to the Queen and her extraordinary reign.
Months of preparations have gone into planning (and to some extent growing)
the floral displays and preparing the many containers dotted around the town. Look out for the three new additions to the the pre-existing collection of barrels, wooden planters, stone troughs and beds; they are located outside Nene Valley Brewery, Oundle Library, Fletton Field and Oundle Antiques.
Other elements of the Blooming Oundle project continue to flourish: the wonderful update of the Oundle Tree Trail leaflet (available from the Library, Museum and Bookshop),
the support provided in the Oundle Primary School’s vegetable garden, the stunning wild flower patch on Kings Road, the Community Seed Swap outside 11 Cotterstock Road, the tending of the bed outside the Co-op, the
monthly litter picks and Community Gardening Club and the campaign to save Fletton Field
all aim to enhance the town for those who live, work and visit our town and to connect them with what is growing around them.
This year’s Blooming Oundle work has
been funded through the Town Council and
a generous contribution from the Friends Of Oundle Library using funds raised through the sales of their 2022 Oundle Calendar.
There’s also a surprise in store for us all, due to be installed just before the town’s Jubilee celebrations. Walk through the Market Place, take a close look, and enjoy!
The Blooming Oundle project is a fantastic way to do something positive for our community. If you’d like to get involved, there are plenty of different ways to help. Just offer the time you can spare and choose the things that interest you most – you’ll really enjoy it.
   Contact the team to get involved.
email: Facebook & Instagram: @BloomingOundle

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