Page 12 - Oundle Life August 2021
P. 12

                                 Oundle Life welcomes...
Bob Cheatham set up VicsGigs in 2019 and held two concerts in The Ship Inn and two in the Queen Victoria Hall in Oundle. Their last concert in March 2020 was a big success with 120 people coming along to witness a fantastic set by the band ‘Lifesigns’.
Then the pandemic hit and the lockdowns commenced, so like everyone else they ceased activities. As things began to look like there
was perhaps light at the end of the tunnel, they started to prepare some more great live music in Oundle. Hopefully the concerts will commence again on September 4 at the Queen Victoria Hall in Oundle with a Pink Floyd tribute band named ‘A Saucerful Of Floyd’. Following this they have a number of artists booked through to the end of 2022, including two that are stopping into Oundle as part of their world tours. They also have a three day weekend event in June 2022 called ‘The Soundle’.
Why did you choose Oundle? I initially set it up after retiring early and was joined by a friend Anth Hudson-Curran. We both live in Oundle so this seemed the perfect place.
Have you always loved music? Absolutely! From a very early age my Mother introduced me to lots of music as a child of the Sixties!
Who works with you? Anth Hudson-Curran provides invaluable support and counsel as we move forward and further develop our strategy. Also, another local guy Adrian Smart deals with all of the technical requirements and liaises with the artists on this tricky area.
We also receive a lot of support from a guy who we have never met. He noticed our initial plans early on via social media and he offered to prepare all of the posters and flyers. His name
is Francis Donlevy and we are very thankful for his outstanding work. He is currently building a standalone website for ‘The Soundle’.
Melody making in Oundle

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