Page 103 - RSDG Year of 2021 CREST
P. 103
with orders for an advance to find, which triggered the start of battle prep.
Battle prep consisted of an evening of playing cards, trading ration packs for Arabic lessons and dining on rice and nondescript meat, eating only with only our hands – but, of course, not the left! Not quite the same as a rainy troop hide on Salisbury Plain, but we got on with it.
A rather unsociable 0400 reveille saw us on the line of departure by 0600. H-Hour arrived and the Troop commenced the advance to find up a wadi, handing over enemy dispositions to the dismounted MSF to conduct their attacks, with us seeing to the provision of fire support. The FIND aspect of the tasking was slightly aided by the combat indicators - swarms of cameramen - around all of the enemy locations. Some slightly unconventional dismounted tactics were observed, but it certainly proved a learning experi- ence for all involved. A long day came to a close with 4 enemy positions found and destroyed.
The troops were delighted when large platters of rice and fish and fresh fruit were delivered to us in the company leaguer, where we were collocated with the MSF. SQMSs, take note!
The exercise culminated in a final attack, for which we provided both sniper overwatch and intimate fire
support. A distinguished audience was in attendance, including Major General Felix Gedney. Following a clos- ing address, General Felix was delighted to announce promotions and put new rank slides on the well deserv- ing recipients’ chests. Troopers Dunbar, McIlrath and McAdam were promoted to Lance Corporal and Lance Corporal Macleod to Corporal. All were slightly sur- prised to be awarded their new rank in such a setting, something they will certainly never forget.
In all, Ex MUSSANDAM FORT was an excellent opportunity to travel to a part of the world that very few have, or ever will, and play a part in an exercise of extreme strategic importance.