Page 91 - RSDG Year of 2021 CREST
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                                EAGLE AND CARBINE 97
Northern Ireland Guard Force at Army Reserve loca- tions throughout Northern Ireland.
On exercise the Sqn deployed a Troop on Ex WESSEX STORM. We were also pleased to host the Regiment in Northern Ireland for ADE on Ex WOLF’S BITE, showing off both our Ulster hospitality and the fantas- tic facilities at Magilligan.
Ceremonially, the North Irish Horse commemorates the Battle of the Hitler Line every year. It was fantas- tic to be able to welcome parading troops from B Sqn and 40 (North Irish Horse) Signal Sqn, the North Irish Horse OCA and Deputy Commander Field Army to Dunmore Park ARC for a wonderful event.
This year we were sorry to see the departure of WO2 Paul Cochrane, late RDG, who had been a PSI from 2007-2009 and our Sqn Recruiter from 2014.
C (Fife and Forfar Yeomanry / Scottish Horse) Squadron
This year has seen a significant ‘changing of the guard’ at C Sqn as key personalities have moved on from their posts with the successors having to find their feet during the pandemic. Despite this we have come through the other side having converted the whole Sqn to Jackal and, most importantly, kept the C Sqn team together and engaged during the period of remote training. Much of the success of this training year can be credited to the Sqn Ldr and the SSM, who both moved on in the first half of 2021. We thank them for their efforts.
Training this year has been very different with much of it taking place online. The Sqn PSI’s did an excel- lent job quickly adapting to remote learning and host- ing online training events. The online nature of the recent training has afforded some unique opportuni- ties and the virtual battlefield tour of Arnhem and the
Virtual Training sessions via the ARMA III computer game proved real highlights for the troops.
There has also been ‘normal’ training occurring when possible with the Sqn running Jackal Commander and Driver courses to convert personnel to the new vehi- cle platform. The Sqn has also delivered a number of mounted and dismounted exercises before deploying a Troop to EX WESSEX STORM in July 2021.
C Sqn has proven that we are one extended family and that those that leave are certainly not forgotten. This was no better displayed than in Feb 2021 when the Sqn 2IC and SSM joined the online 100th birthday celebration for Harold Wilson, a WWII veteran and former member of the 2nd Battalion, Fife and Forfar Yeomanry.
It is a credit to all Sqn personnel that we have come through the pandemic so well and with a new Sqn Leader to join later in the year and a number of new recruits joining recently, things are certainly looking up for C (Fife and Forfar / Scottish Horse) Sqn.

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