Page 17 - RADC Bulletin 2019
P. 17

 Dental Team Visit Little Monkeys at Dhekelia Capt Emily Schlesinger RADC
An exciting and interesting part of working overseas is the exposure to the delivery
of oral health care to the children and families of serving personnel. Here is a report from Mrs Despo Charalambous following our afternoon at a youth group on Dhekelia Camp, Cyprus. Due to sensitivity surrounding the nature of the group, photos were not taken but we have included some images of the sheets and models we used.
The Dental Centre was asked by the children’s nurse, Gail Higgins of SSAFA, if we could arrange a visit to Little Monkeys. This is a support group aimed at building
a network for parents and children with additional needs - particularly autism or sensory difficulties. We were asked to help provide some advice to the parents including oral hygiene techniques for them to help the children.
Capt Emily Schlesinger and myself spoke with six mothers who attended the group. They were interested to hear that many of them within the group had similar difficulties. A common theme was stress around toothbrushing time. We showed them various positions from which to help their child to brush their teeth effectively. Using the manikin for demonstration we showed how if they stand behind their child in front of a mirror, to brush their teeth, it is less intimidating than standing in front of them
so the child cannot see what is happening. Many of the mothers agreed that this was not something they had considered and they could see how it may make things easier.
We then gathered the children to see what they knew about the effects of consuming too much sugar and principally where sugar is found in our everyday foods.
I demonstrated with each child how to
use the electric brush on a model of the mouth.
I had also prepared some laminated pictures of the mouth. We used these
to have the children colour in where on the teeth the plaque forms (cervical and interproximal) and then ‘brush this off’ by cleaning away the pen with toothbrushes until the teeth were clean again.
One of the older children was interested in knowing about the names and shapes of the different teeth. He already knew quite a few of the names but Captain Schlesinger helped him to draw the shapes and label where they fit in the mouth.
Captain Schlesinger and I enjoyed the session and found it very fulfilling.
       Royal Army Dental Corps Centenary 1921-2021
Officers Mess
Summer Ball
10th July 2021 at Honourable Artillery Company Tickets approx. £90pp
All returns required by 1st February 2021
For further information please contact: Charlotte Winship – Kate Porter –

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