Page 32 - RADC Bulletin 2019
P. 32

British Army Warrior Fitness (BAWF)
Cpl F Taylor RADC
On the 5th of June 2019 four members of the Army Medical Services (AMS) recruitment team based at Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) attended the final round of South Region BAWF competition. Having had an interest in the new revolution of the Army’s physical training regime, the team decided to enter a team, so we could get a taste of what the BAWF was all about and to set a baseline. I led (a little begrudgingly)
as team captain, with Capt Blackwood (RADC), Sgt Cranston (RAMC) and Cpl Boswell (QARANC) completing the squad.
As I had been doing CrossFit and Olympic lifting for just over a year, I was the most experienced which helped when I had to explain basic techniques in the lead up to the event. A couple of minor technique and practice sessions later we were feeling as close to prepared as we could be at such short notice. Consisting of varied experience in different disciplines, the AMS Ladies team arrived at the Coldstream Guards barracks in Windsor to register for something we weren’t entirely sure would be.
Nerves were at a high throughout the whole gymnasium, everywhere you looked individuals of all different shapes and
sizes were preparing for a day’s worth of competition. As registration was completed the leading Royal Army Physical Training Corps (RAPTC) instructor for the day addressed everyone, detailing workouts
for the day, demonstrations, standards
and heats. It is worth mentioning that although optimum performance achieved the most points, the judges were strict on technique and allowed no risk for injury or unsportsmanlike conduct. The events for the day went as follows:
EVENT 1: 3 Team Members
Max weight achieved as a team in 12 mins of the following complex:
• 3 x deadlift
• 2 x hang clean
• 1 x Shoulder to Overhead (STOH)
EVENT 2: 3 Team Members
A military orientated short assault course conducted three times per team member as fast as possible
EVENT 3: 3 Team Members
15 x 100m sprints for the shortest time possible
EVENT 4: “The Talbot” 3 Team Members
Coldstream, guards’ soldiers that was tragically killed on anti poacher operations. The event itself was gruelling - with no measure of how well you were doing against the other teams in your heat it was a pure
all out grizz until the end. The entire team dug out blind and everywhere you looked around the gym were bodies lying on the floor sweating and panting having given their absolute all.
Overall the day was a real eye opener
- both at the level of athleticism displayed across the units attending, and at how enjoyable and well organised an event it was. It has definitely sparked interest for our team and with a solid few months to train before the new season kicks in, we are determined to continue improving.
PS. SSgt Beckett (RADC) participated in the winning team which was RMAS ladies.
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To achieve maximum calories on the Air Assault Bike for 15 minutes
7 synchronised burpees by each team member before the Air Assault Bike
Rotation of team members on the Air Assault Bike Max
Every 3 mins on the minute, 7 x synchronised burpees for the 2 team members who were not on the Air Assault Bike
The first event went quite well, with
our team achieving a total weight for the complex of 130kgs. For a new team with very little experience or preparation we had achieved a relatively good score. The standard of physical fitness displayed throughout the day by all teams was excellent and awe inspiring in places.
Event 2 proved to be quite a challenge with many obstacles to contend with, and multiple ways of travelling over the course, with the most efficient for effort and optimum speed being sought by all. It is clear to see why the Army is pushing this type of fitness so much as it all directly relates to military activities at their simplest form - including wall jumps, load carry’s and casualty drags. The AMS ladies thoroughly enjoyed the challenge and competitive atmosphere and drilled out a good time over the course.
Event 3 was over just as quickly as it started. Impressive pace was set by everyone, with some stand out performances by individuals, and the atmosphere was electric.
Event 4 came around, “The Talbot”, a workout dedicated to one of the

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