Page 58 - RADC Bulletin 2019
P. 58

Army Training Regiment Winchester (ATR(W)) Pass Off Parade SE95B
– 9 August
Capt Cheryl Blackwood RADC
Back in November 2018 we first meet Pte Fox when she attended the Army Medical Services Regimental Insight Course (AMS RIC) which is held at DMS(W). Throughout the 2 days at DMS(W) she was engaging, easily interacted well with her audience including the Directing Staff (DS) and enquired on a career within the RADC as a dental nurse.
In March 2019 Pte Fox attended the Dental Nurse Selection Board (DNSB) which involved an essay, a presentation and an interview with the board, the composition of which consisted of President (SO3 RADC Recruting), RADC representative, non-RADC
Pte Fox proudly waiting for Maj Gen Nesmith
Military representative and a secretary. Pte Fox was successful at DNSB ready to be loaded onto Phase1 Training on 5 May 19 to commence her 14 weeks at ATR(W).
Friday 9 August 2019 had arrived for Pte Fox, this was her moment after 14 weeks of hard work where she was going to Pass Off the parade square as a soldier in the RADC. Forecast was scheduled for rain but luckily it did not rain for the soldiers. Even if it had have rained, however, I don’t think it would have dampened the spirts of those passing off.
Pte Fox had an impressive 14 weeks at ATR(W). Her attitude, compassion, drive,
determination, helping others, listening
to direction and orders, leadership and command on the exercise phases did not go unnoticed. For this Pte Fox was selected as “Best Recruit”.
The inspecting officer for the parade was Major General Sharon Nesmith, the first woman to command a British Army brigade and the highest role ever to be taken by a female in the British Army. This proud, alert, obedient RADC soldier was presented her award from an inspiring, powerful woman in the British Army.
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    56 RADC BULLETIN 2019
Maj Gen Nesmith presenting the Best Recruit award to Pte Fox

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