Page 108 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 108

“A competent crew”
OCdt von Kaufmann
Well-rested and bursting with enthusiasm, the Christmas Cruising crew arrived at Gos- port Marina early on the morning of Sun- day 17th December ready for a challenging week navigating the treacherous waters of the Solent. With fridges full and master of marina manoeu- vre, OCdt McMenemy, having provided a riveting brief on something to do with boats and safety, Bombadier 3 set sail for Cowes. The passage ini- tially proceeded without complication, owing to the exceptional tiller work by sailing novice, OCdt Smoker, and the tireless cringling of the ramshorn by OCdt Pillman. Arriving at Cowes Marina, we were, however, faced with our first major challenge, as a flustered and overwhelmed OCdt Sutton did his best impression of a dwarf wrestling an octo- pus whilst fighting the ropes in an attempt to tie us up alongside, requiring a rapid rescue from the Ben Ainslie-esque sailing prodigy, OCdt von Kauf- mann. This tiring episode necessitated appropriate rehydration in the wonderful recreational facilities of Cowes.
Waking bright and early, day two began with les- sons from OCdt McMenemy on dodging ferries and coming alongside, before we set sail in search of the promised delights of Lymington. With OCdt Sutton strategically placed far away from any ropes on tiller duty, we gradually made our way up the Solent facing winds of up to 27 knots, arriving at Lymington some four hours later. With the infallible OCdt McMenemy taking over at the tiller, park- ing up should surely have been a breeze, yet in a rare moment of madness, our highly experienced transatlantic skipper took a personal disliking to an innocently moored up gin palace, swinging the bow around and applying full throttle only to be rescued once again by the agility and quick think- ing of roaming fender-armed OCdt von Kaufmann.
“There's a storm coming”
Day three began with news of an impending storm and directions to return our trusty Bombadier 3 to Gosport as soon as possible. Energy high and ram- shorn cringled, we prepared ourselves for a sprint down the Solent, yet when sailing novice OCdt Smoker (filling in for a still unnerved McMenemy) launched the engine, we were met with no more than a weak splutter. Despite the efforts and inge- nuity of Doxbridge graduate, OCdt Sutton, Bom- badier 3 had breathed her last, and as the skies darkened, we sat defeated for hours, waiting for a saving grace to dig us out of our ever-deepening hole. Eventually, our saving grace manifested itself in the form of Kyle from Sea-Start, who quickly identified and replaced a faulty fuel tank inlet. Reju- venated and with spirits rising, we launched into the darkness and danced our way to Gunwharf Quay with the celestial voice of Kylie Minogue fill- ing our ears. Moored up amongst an impressive selection of superyachts, Bombadier 3 felt right at home, and the crew headed out into the culturally vibrant Portsmouth for one last dance.
“Farewell sweet Bombadier”
Fuelled once again by the culinary expertise of OCdt Pillman, we made the final trip over to Pre- mier Marina, where we moored up, de-kitted, and cleaned before saying our sad goodbyes to the fine vessel that we were fortunate enough to have briefly called home. With that, we parted ways and so began our long awaited winter break.

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