Page 111 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 111

  In mid-December, a group of OCdts embarked on a challenging mountain biking expedition in Betws Y Coed, a
picturesque town nestled in the heart of Wales. This six-day adventure was planned to push the boundaries of the OCdts’ physical and mental endurance whilst providing valuable insights into leadership, teamwork, and personal growth.
The journey kicked off with a flurry of activity as OCdts Duffy and Rogers secured the necessary vehicles whilst the rest of the expedition gathered bikes and equipment. Arriving at a large cot- tage in Betws Y Coed, the group imme- diately delved into technical lessons on bike maintenance, M checks and rid- ing basics. After then settling into their rooms, the group got an early night in preparation for the day ahead.
The next day began at 0700hrs, with a few members heading to a local lake for a refreshing morning dip. A hearty break- fast, courtesy of OCdt Burden, fuelled the team for the day’s activities. The morn- ing meeting covered weather forecasts, timings, and route plans. Arriving in Lla- ndegla, the group engaged in personal M checks before honing their skills on the pump track. This set the stage for the group to tackle the blue trail where our discussions on technique proved invaluable for saving some of the group’s manliness.
The next day we were faced with rather unfavourable weather conditions, and so the group redirected their plans to Coed Y Brenin, avoiding the hazards of the slate downhill centre. The pump track and lem-
OCdt Duncalf
ming stone (a large rock we took turns jumping off ) allowed continuous skill development in a controlled environment. A spirited ride around a slate laden blue track on the rain soaked Minotaur route in the afternoon sapped the energy levels of the group. The day concluded with a well-deserved pasta night; our first feast subsidised by the Sandhurst Trust which greatly boosted morale.
The fourth day started as per the new routine, with Burdens breakfast and a briefing. We then set out for the Gwydir Mawr Bach trail. Striking a balance between shorter downs and varied ter- rains, the route featured some steep climbs and punchy descents. A stop in Llanrwst preceded a thrilling second red run at Coed Y Brenin, fostering both indi- vidual and group confidence. A team talk acknowledged the growing fatigue and was followed by a dinner prepped by OCdt Pfang, who took advantage of the local seaside industries and made a meal complete with mussels, fish and contro- versially tacos; again, this was made pos- sible by using the funds of the Sandhurst Trust.
The fifth and last day riding saw us tackle the Pen Machno trail. The up hills proved unexpectedly difficult, and the rain- soaked descents tested everyone’s met- tle. Despite the difficulties of the route, the OCdts rallied together and pulled through; however, by the end everyone was ready to put the saddle away.
The sixth and final day saw us clean the cottage and head back down to Sand- hurst to return all the kit.

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