Page 116 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 116

Lucknow Platoon
Captain Tiffin AGC (ETS)
Lucknow Platoon Cadets embarked on a busy term of rehab, self-improvement and Army engagement. Although none of the OCdts
planned to join the platoon, they have enjoyed a series of unique opportunities. However, the pri- mary focus of the term was, as always, healing from injury.
Every morning, the OCdts of Lucknow Platoon carry out a morning of individually tailored reha- bilitation exercise, carefully overseen by the Ex REHABILITATION INSTRUCTORS. This term, the PCRF welcomed a new face — Captain Newton, a physiotherapist with the RAMC. Captain Newton has helped each OCdt on their journey to rehab milestones, and has challenged each one with a heavy leg press target.
“The team within the PCRF work incredibly hard to ensure that everyone makes a full recovery and returns to course in the best physical condition possible,” OCdt Hargreaves said. “ They ensure that the environment is challenging and develop- mental, whilst remaining empathic to individual circumstances.”
During the term, OCdts have had the opportu- nity to engage with OCdts from the Saudi Arabia National Guard, young officers from the Royal Marines and war game developers at a conference hosted by RMAS.
“The opportunities to engage with other parts of the Armed Forces including our visit to CTCRM Lympstone, or working with our international coun- terparts, helps to broaden our understanding of the structure and operations of the military,” OCdt
Bond said. “This allows us to make connections that we will inevitably utilise during our careers.”
Learning to safely use a new weapon system is often a goal at the top of a new Lucknow OCdt. This term, they took on the challenge of operat- ing the GPMG on a live range. Abilities of varying levels were displayed, with some OCdts achieving very impressive groupings.
Trialling new kit was a theme throughout the term. Virtual Reality headsets and controllers designed to replicate weapons systems allowed OCdts to practise their section attacks. During a visit to the Army Expo, OCdts got a first look at Boxer, Ajax and other future capabilities.
The Dinner night and a platoon barbeque gave OCdts the opportunity to increase team cohesion, welcome new members and say goodbye to those returning to training. This will also be the last term for platoon staff members Captain Tiffin, Colour Sergeant Hornbuckle and Staff Sergeant Stubbs.
This term saw 17 injured OCdts return to training. OCdt Fenton-Stone summarised: “Whilst Lucknow is not somewhere an OCdt wishes to find them- selves, it has been somewhere that has facilitated our development, both physically and holistically, for greater success on the course.”

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