Page 16 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 16

OCdt Warren – 36 Pl, The Mighty Imjin Company
As we sank to our waists in muddy water shortly after 0330hrs on the third night of the exer- cise, two things occurred to me. Firstly, that this was probably not a viable route for a platoon to reach a forming up point. Secondly, I should prob- ably change my socks at the earliest opportunity. Either way, the recce patrol had achieved its task and enabled the platoon commander to choose an alternative route, ensuring that the attack started at H Hour regardless.
Ex MONTGOMERY’S MARK represented the cul- mination of everything that we had learnt in Jun- ior Term, with all of the new skills and knowledge imparted on us during the last 14 weeks put into practice in what can best be described as chal- lenging conditions. We built up from individual section level attacks on the first day to simultane- ous platoon attacks in the dark by the final morn- ing. We began to receive orders from our company commander in the field and use them to write and deliver platoon level orders for our attacks, then conducted basic recce patrols to set the conditions for them to take place. We reacted to contact from a drone in our harbour and successfully manoeu- vred to a new location, establishing ourselves and continuing to operate against the enemy in a new part of the training area. All of this was being done with challenging weather conditions and very lit- tle sleep, meaning we had to work as a team in order to successfully complete the exercise. The challenge brought us closer together as a platoon and as individuals, allowing us to further develop the teams that will be so crucial to our success throughout the remainder of the year.
Personally, the highlight of the exercise was the final daytime platoon attack. Seeing the platoon suc- cessfully execute the attack using the techniques we had been taught by our staff over the course of the term, highlighted just how far we had come
from the first Sunday we walked through the doors of Old College. After every attack, we received a debrief as a platoon and took the points to improve forwards, allowing us to constantly refine and improve our drills, and, seeing the results of this feedback being implemented as the exercise pro- gressed, was incredibly rewarding. We still had plenty of work on points to take forward into the Intermediate Term, but seeing our training start to come to fruition had allowed us to approach the end of the Junior Term on a high note.
Looking back, Monty’s can best be described as tough but rewarding. Walking back through the positions to brass pick at the end of the exercise, highlighted just how many rounds we had fired, how many miles we had walked, and how much we had come through together as a team. As the Padre remarked; we are not at the end yet, but per- haps at the end of the beginning. With new pla- toons, a new college and new things to learn there was plenty for us to look forward to in the Interme- diate Term. But first, it was time for ALeRT training followed by some well-earned Christmas leave!

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