Page 26 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 26

  An Ex-Rankers first impression at RMAS
OCdt Brunskill
On the 9th of February 2015, I joined the Royal Gibraltar Regiment and spent the next 4 years on various overseas exercises, adventur-
ous training, and ceremonial duties. Most notably ASKARI STORM in 2017. In 2018, I decided that I wanted a change of pace and to move back to the UK so I requested a transfer to the Adjutant Gen- erals Corps (Staff and Personnel Support). Once I completed my Phase 2 training in Worthy Down, I was posted to the 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh. After a few months I decided that I
commitments, I received my start date at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.
As the Reception approached, it was time to men- tally prepare for the course ahead. I think the differ- ence between an ex-ranker and a civilian starting the Commissioning Course is not so much the ‘fear of the unknown’ but more of how this will differ from my initial training as a soldier and what will be expected of me. Although I had many conver-
sations with junior officers and Colour Sergeant Instructors in Battalion prior to the course, it was more general advice about the Academy itself rather than specific experiences through the eyes of an ex-ranker.
As I walked up the steps of Old Col-
lege for the first time, parting ways with loved ones, it was straight into green cover- alls, collecting issued bedding and being shown to our rooms. All of which came with a distinct lack of shouting (as was the case for my first few days in Catterick). Overnight, it felt like training had kicked in with initial briefs, kit issue and general adminis- tration. What took me by surprise was the intensity of the first few weeks, not so much the material as
 was better suited to life in the infan-
try and transferred in November
2019. Following this, I then com-
pleted my NCO cadre not long
after Christmas. Once I had been
promoted to Lance Corporal, I was
enrolled onto multiple armoured
infantry courses, culminating in the
Armoured Infantry Commander’s Course allow- ing me to command a Warrior Infantry Fighting Vehicle. A conversation with my old platoon com- mander, whilst on Ex FROSTED BLADE, lead into a conversation on my next career move. He suggested I pursue a long-awaited desire to com- mission; the seed was sown. After a long selec- tion process added on top of my day-to-day work
He suggested I pursue a long- awaited desire to commission; the seed was sown

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