Page 42 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 42

 OCdt Willett
Ex MARTELLO SHARPSHOOTER, named for the distinctive yet obsolete defensive instal- lations along the British coastline, was con-
ducted at Barossa Ranges, and Lydd Ranges in South East Kent. Despite not being a field exercise, OCdts of sunny CC222 were subjected to some of the chilliest temperatures of their course so far, and the space heaters in the troop shelters were most welcome.
Over the course of the range package, OCdts completed their Annual Combat Marksmanship Test, with many achieving the coveted Marks- man badge, before conducting a series of varied and interesting shoots, testing various skills. These included the ‘Section in Defence,’ during which moving targets at various ranges were engaged by a section in fire trenches over a simulated firefight.
Similarly exciting was the Individual Battle Skills Range, which involved shooting from different positions one might find in an urban environment, before conducting fire and manoeuvre across open ground. The most challenging was the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear shoot, during which firers donned gas masks and cumbersome CBRN gloves and attempted to hit the targets whilst struggling to look down their sights.
The exercise was a very enjoyable time after the stresses of RSBs and was good to get outside of the Sandhurst ‘bubble’ for a week of great training. It gave OCdts an insight into the more developed shoots that can be planned and conducted to aid in the training of their soldiers.

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