Page 52 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 52

 Exercise SLIM’S STAND
OCdt Mckinstray
The final exercise for the Intermediate Term saw the intake deploy to Hankley Common for Ex SLIM’S STAND. This is a company level exer- cise that concludes our defensive operations mod- ule. However, before we ‘dig in or deploy,’ we faced two days of offensive operations that kept the enemy on the backfoot; in true Sandhurst Rifles fashion, simultaneous raids and hasty attacks destroyed Zabzimek positions three at a time.
Morale had stood high amongst Alamein Com- pany as actions came to an end in the afternoon of D+2. However, shortly thereafter, orders and a notice to move had come down with dampen- ing effect – and the rain hadn’t even started yet. 0200hrs was the timing and a redeployment to Minley was the task – we were about to learn the meaning of ‘dig in.’
We would now spend 5 days establishing our main defensive area (MDA), digging and constructing trenches, laying obstacles as well as taking the fight to the enemy. Whilst Juniors had taught us the skills for life in the field, Intermediate Term so far was making damn sure we knew them well. After a short ride, and with the sun rising on a dewy morn- ing air, we occupied our positions – a 7.6 x 0.75 metre piece of ground that, with enough digging, would become a temporary home for five.
It sounds a simple enough operation – de-turf the ground, dig down, place some metal sheet, re-turf. Nevertheless, when I found myself barely at knee height as dusk descended, I made the realisation
that we hadn’t even started on the depth posi- tions yet, nor the low-wire entanglement, nor the inevitability of needing to assist the other platoons. After a brief moment of jealousy for those mates at home who were likely enjoying a pint, I donned my PPE, grabbed firmly my shovel, and attacked the ground with fervent vigour. With a second wind, I felt ready to take on the night... and then it started to rain.
It wasn’t gentle rain – that, perhaps, would have been welcome. No, this was the start of Storm Ciaran, and it came with vengeful spirit. So, we dug, and we got wet, and perhaps felt a bit miserable – but poor weather was nothing new to Alamein Company. It was practically our standard operat- ing procedure at this point. With instilled mental resilience, onwards we pushed throughout the night, and when the day came around once more, the five of us in 1 Section Delta found ourselves shoulder deep and rather proud of ourselves. A quick break from work allowed a whip round of the

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