Page 67 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 67

  The final Battlegroup attack involved the entire intake and we were fortunate enough to have a French platoon attached to the company, fur- ther increasing our fighting power. The operation started with the simultaneous defeating of Obser- vation Posts around the position in the very early hours of the morning before moving through a battlegroup rendezvous point to launch our final Sandhurst assault at first light. As the final ele- ments of the enemy were destroyed, the exercise
came to an end with much elation. The culmina- tion of the exercise was the traditional beret parade where we got to wear our regimental headdress for the first time which was as amazing as the champagne breakfast that followed soon after! It was a truly incredible feeling to have completed the field training phase of our time at RMAS and reflect back on what we had learnt and achieved over the course of our time at the Academy.

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