Page 75 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 75

  against the angry mob of Gaza, and successfully withdrew back to the FOB, largely unscathed bar some gnarly bruises.
Finally, it was our turn to embrace our hidden GCSE drama skills, and act as the civpop for the Royal Marines. Our mission was simple: annoy them as much as possible. Methods employed to do so included breaking into the FOB and the Ops room on separate occasions, a hen-do outside the FOB gate, a lot of screaming and crying, and stealing a GPMG. Other events included a funeral for one of our bravest, innovative CASEVACs and six long,
long hours acting as refugees. The marines failed to show any empathy to our desperate pleas and displayed a particular inability to speak to those “of the female inclination”. Fed up of their incom- petence, The Somme took matters into our own hands and pushed them out of our town, greatly helped by our water balloon assets and their failure to prevent a man-away.
The Somme returned to RMAS victorious in snap- ping the marines, at the cost of our voices and a single beret.

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