Page 79 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 79

to test my leadership styles and switch between transactional and transformational leadership as I saw fit. All while ensuring every member of the pla- toon was on the same level and understood what was expected of them. We really felt like we had learnt and progressed a lot by end Ex!
Mod C began with some frantic arts and crafts, with the new members of the platoon rapidly making ‘Sandhurst one pagers’ in preparation for PRACTAC the following day. This presented itself as a very long day, beginning with our 3 hours to complete the combat estimate and write a full set of orders, followed by the dreaded waiting for our allocated time slot to present our estimate and orders. The assessment went really well and it was clear everyone had a sound understanding of the process, but before we could celebrate it was straight into deployment on Ex WAVELL’S WAR- RIOR, a demanding exercise designed to assess our ability to command in tough conditions with little rest. Personally, I enjoyed my platoon com- mander appointment the most, leading a hasty attack which went really well, as I understood my role and remained calm throughout and my section commanders were working really hard, emphasis-
ing our previous learning point of working to our 1 up. This made for a successful attack that everyone learnt a lot from.
Our final challenge was drill; it is clear that not a lot is done in the reserves, so the CSgts committed to making sure we were at a high standard for the Commissioning parade, which added to our sense of pride on completion of the course.
I feel immensely proud of myself for what we have achieved, having developed leadership and mili- tary skills and learnt hard lessons in physical and mental resilience. We are now prepared to con- tinue this learning into our respective units and apply all the skills we have acquired on CCS 231.

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