Page 25 - Mercian Eagle Year of 2023
P. 25

   Live firing in Sennybridge Training Area – Brecon, Sep 2023
 FIWAF on EX SARMIS 23 – Romania, Sep 2023
7 Platoon
2023 has been a very busy and enjoyable year for 7 Platoon, C (Kohima) Company. We have developed into a cohesive and strong unit through a variety of tasks overseas and in the UK, whilst re-rolling to an armoured infantry platoon.
In May 2023 7 Pl deployed on its
first armoured infantry range package
in Castlemartin. Despite being newly qualified crews, they took the task in
their stride, gaining experience as drivers and gunners in how to operate as crews, and how to optimise the capabilities of the Warrior. Concurrently, 7 Pl further developed its light role infantry skills by conducting LFTT, culminating in a two- mile best effort across the range complex into a section attack. The gunnery camp was then closed off in the most fitting way, with a Coy BBQ on the golden sands of Freshwater West, where Pte Holmes was awarded the best Warrior Gunner in the Company.
Next, 7 Pl switched focus to
Ex SARMIS. In preparation, we deployed to Sennybridge Training Area. In classic Brecon fashion, as soon as we crossed the cattle grid onto the training area it began raining, and this continued until we left the training area over the same
cattle grid. Despite the weather, morale was not dampened, and 7 Pl seized the opportunity to improve its Fighting In Woods And Forests (FIWAF) and rural skills. The troops more than rose to the challenge, and showed they were ready for the slightly more vertical woodblocks of the Carpathian Mountains.
The start to EX SARMIS 23 was by no means what I expected. A five-day road move across eight countries was in parts challenging, but on the whole a very entertaining experience much like a Top Gear special. From LCpl Moore doing
his utmost to try and break every Land Rover he could get behind the wheel off, to all unanimously deciding that European McDonalds was excellent pre-deployment food, we managed to arrive in good order for the exercise phase.
Once set in the Carpathian Mountains, 7 Pl hit the ground running, using the
skills developed in Sennybridge. Rising
to every mountain, and crossing every obstacle, 7 Pl quickly became feared, taking on all that came against us. We also found a newfound love of sparkling water. Having cleared the final enemy compound we switched focus to the LFTT package. It was a fantastic opportunity, giving the 7 Pl soldiers the chance to fire American weapons, before conducting a live platoon attack, which was enjoyed by all. The exercise naturally ended again in style, with the Pl taking time off to explore Brasov city centre and surrounding area.
2023 has seen 7 Pl develop into a strong and robust platoon, ready to continue its armoured infantry re-role next year. A mention must be given to Pte Howlde, who passed his JNCO cadre this year, and Sgt Uluikabara, on promotion to CSgt and subsequent posting to 1 LANCS as Recce 2IC.
 Pl Cmd 2Lt Sam Dulson Pl Sgt Cpl Toth
Maj Philip Anderson Capt Sam Remer WO2 Steven Bircumshaw
WO2 Jese Kauleta CSgt Philip Gilham CSgt Nobin Pun
                                C (Kohima) Company
     Variety is the spice of life and C Company has had its share. We started 2023 on Op ISOTROPE supporting the Home Office in their efforts to manage the migrants attempting to cross the English Channel. Not a glamourous role over Christmas but the team made the most of it, delivering some excellent assistance to the Home Office and taking advantage of the ranges at Lydd and Hythe.
Afterwards, we rolled through a series
of exercises culminating with a weeklong platoon-on-platoon faceoff with TES.
8 Platoon emerged victorious by virtue
of still being alive at the end. Next the company “did it live” at Castlemartin Ranges, conducting live section attacks and qualifying our new Warrior gunners.
The main event of the year was our overseas exercise in Romania. We enjoyed the two-week long light role exercise
in the Carpathian Mountains working alongside Romanian, American, French, and Moldavian forces. We finished the exercise with a week’s adventure training in Cyprus, soaking up the October sun. The year ended
C Company on Ex SARMIS – Romania, 3 Oct 23
with C Company deploying in support of Op LAZURITE, supporting the arrival of Afghans who had been granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK.
It was a rather novel end to the year which, with Op LAZURITE bookending 2023
with Op ISOTROPE. Throughout I have been constantly impressed by our soldiers’ and officers’ ability to rise to a variety of challenges. 2024 will be less diverse, with a greater focus on armoured infantry with exercises in Germany and Poland.

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