Page 67 - Mercian Eagle Year of 2023
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                                message to His Majesty King Charles III. The message was one of condolence for his loss, and a reaffirmation of our allegiance to the Crown. Branch members were invited to the reading of the Royal Proclamation of Accession on Sunday, 11th September, and also to a Civic Memorial Service on Sunday, 18th September, both of which were well attended with Standards on parade. Long live the King!
Crich Pilgrimage
In July twenty-seven ‘pilgrims’ (plus four free-runners) from the Branch attended Crich. Our Mercian Regiment and Cheshire Regiment Standards were paraded and the weather held fair for a great day. Thanks again to Crich Comrades Club for their hospitality.
Cheshire Memorial NMA
September 2022 saw the dedication of
the Cheshire Regiment Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum. Thirty-five members and guests made the journey from Stockport to enjoy the occasion which was well run and well received by all.
Mons Commemoration
A small contingent from the Branch,
with the main CRA Standard and our Branch CRA Standard paraded at Chester Cathedral on 11th September 2022 for a wreath-laying in commemoration of the 1st Bn 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment’s actions in the retreat from Mons in August 1914. The standards were draped in mourning for the loss of our Monarch.
75th East Cheshire Reunion
The 75th occasion of the East Cheshire Reunion was celebrated at St. Julien’s Barracks on Saturday 29th October 2022.
It is believed to be one of the longest- running military reunions in the world. The inaugural event was held in Macclesfield on 30th October 1948. Whilst the event is now attended by those with strong affiliations to the 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment, the original attendance was restricted to “Only those Officers, Warrant Officers, NCOs and Men who served with the 7th Battalion during the war years – 3rd September, 1939, to
8th May, 1945”. The occasion, now probably Stockport Branch’s main event, was moved to Stockport from Macclesfield in 1999, on the sale of the Drill Hall on Bridge Street.
One hundred and twenty-five comrades from many eras, including serving/recent Mercians, enjoyed a Hot Pot Supper and a few beverages whilst being entertained by Bollington Brass Band, and Cheshire Police Corps of Drums. It was great to see Karl Bond, one of our Branch members who had travelled from Victoria, Australia specifically for the event.
Remembrance Sunday
On Sunday 13th November 2022 it was ‘back to normal’ for the parade in Stockport with all being welcomed into St. Julien Barracks for a hotpot and a pint. All three Branch Standards (Mercian, Cheshire
and Mercian Volunteers) were on parade. Separately, eight members of the branch formed up as part of the Mercian Volunteers Regimental Association contingent in the march past at Whitehall proudly wearing oak leaves as a formed body in the presence of Royalty.
Shotgun Shooting: MRA Stockport 2022
Kens’ Curry Night
We’ve been going to the Chilli Massalla in Edgeley since the sad passing of Ken Ward in 2009. Ken was a long-serving CSM of
‘A’ (Cheshire) Coy, 1 MERCIAN (V) and ‘A’ Coy 3 Cheshire (V). He bequeathed a curry celebration in 2009 and it has become
one of our Branch traditions since. Fifteen members enjoyed the event on Friday 25th November 2022; the first since we were locked down.
Ballykelly 40th Anniversary
Branch members and standards went
to Ballykelly for an Act of Remembrance on 4th December 2022 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Droppin’ Well atrocity. There was also a service on
the actual anniversary, 6th December,
at Stockport War Memorial Art Gallery, attended by Branch members and other ex-Cheshires.
Meeanee Reunion & Meeanee
‘Across the Pond’
Two tables were taken at the Meeanee Reunion held in Chester on Saturday, 18th
Walking Group: MRA Stockport 2022
Jubilee Event: MRA Stockport 2022

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