Page 74 - Mercian Eagle Year of 2023
P. 74

                                Worcestershire & Sherwood Foresters Regimental Association
Message from the Secretary
Ms Cindy Clark
It’s good to be back! A huge thank you to Maj (Retd) Bob Prophet for a smooth handover and for being available for his sage advice on many occasions.
It was with great sadness that our ‘acting’ President, Lt Col (Retd) Keith Jeavons passed away in the summer. At his request, he was ‘acting’ as he didn’t expect to stay that long! He was a good President for the WFRA, and I am sure I am not the only one to miss him and his humour and wisdom.
Whilst some branches may be more active or have more membership than others, it is heartening to see how friendships continue to flourish, in all of them. It’s been a busy year for everyone, and it has been enjoyable being part of, or hearing of, so many events where the attendance of the Association has been requested. Their presence is always noticed by the civilian population and keeps the veteran community foremost in people’s minds. It is a concern for all regimental associations, that membership of branches is dwindling and the old adage of ‘use it or lose it’ are wise words. If you are not already a member, please consider joining your local branch, or even starting one up. For more details, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Chesterfield Branch
Johno Johnson. Chair
Chesterfield Branch has had a very busy year and as well as monthly meetings and social events, the branch has an informal gathering at the Crich Tea-Room on most Sunday mornings.
In January we visited the Royal Hospital
Tables set for the Annual (Badajoz) Dinner (L-R) David Smith, Mick Doyle, Brian Smith, John Higginbottom, Gordon Carran
Chelsea to take the tour and to catch up with ex Regimental members with whom we have served. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day, and we can recommend it to anyone thinking of visiting.
We again visited Sutton on Sea in April to hold our annual Pilgrimage to pay
our respects to Marin Robinson’s grave; something that we have done for the past 53 years. We also had another bench provided by the Branch to Colin (Lofty) Banfield. Both benches are in the Robinson Family Memorial Garden on York Road.
A trip was also put on to take Branch Members and Royal Engineers to Scarborough for the official Armed Forces Day parades.
Members’ wives were also provided with a trip to Leeds Market in May and York in December for the Christmas Markets.
On Saturday 2 September we had a stand on Clay Cross Town Fete, with weapons and other military memorabilia. It generated a lot of interest and we managed to get some more signatures for “The Friends of Crich”. This initiative of the branch, working with RHQ hopes to generate much needed funds for the site.
In November, the branch organised the Armistice Day Remembrance Service at Crich. This was very well attended with the local community joining the military community to pay our respects.
Derby Branch
Alan Derbyshire. Chair
The Branch is “soldiering on” and enjoying the hospitality of our new meeting venue, the Allestree Social Club with meetings taking place on the first Friday of the month,
Derby Branch Coronation Curry Lunch
Clay Cross Fete, September 2023 Derby Branch
commencing at 1945hrs. Dress is casual and the branch welcomes serving and former members of the Mercian Regiment, the antecedent regiments, and other arms. We have in our ranks, Mercian, Foresters, WFR, Staffords, a Gurkha, a Tanky, a Para (although he saw the light and joined the Woofers), even a former US Army Colonel who served in the US Airborne, Cavalry and 10th Mountain Division.
Sadly, we lost one of our newer members, Alan Wright. Alan had been a very supportive member of the Branch and his passing came as a shock to all. Sadly, a number of our members are suffering health problems preventing them from attending meetings. Our thoughts go to them and their families. We do keep in contact via email, post and telephone, ensuring they
do not feel forgotten and are kept aware of events.
Our Annual Dinner in April (as close
to Badajoz Day as we can get it) was a resounding success with excellent food and company. In May, we then celebrated the Coronation with a curry lunch at The Mount Everest in Derby. A great time
was had by all. Mick Doyle presented the
    Alan Derbyshire receiving the decorative Kukri, donated to the branch Long Eaton & West Notts Branch

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