Page 3 - Cadet Review Spring 2025
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The Cadet Review has reached its
20th anniversary issue in 2025, and,
following the Editor’s appeal to
personnel who were featured in the
editions in 2005 several updates have
been received and with many more
to come it is intended to spread them
out over the course of the next issues
your story, do send stories in. The
Editor knows how much is going on
out there in each of the cadet forces;
just tell the rest of Yorkshire and
the Humber what you are doing and
spread the word of all the hard work
and effort which is being put into your
units to benefit the cadet experience.
Many of the activities mentioned
above have also featured on the
RFCA website at https://www. in addition to
their own media channels. Do take a
look at the RFCA website too.
Please continue to send, high
quality stories and pictures in for
the magazine, which makes for
excellent reading material, not just
around Yorkshire and the Humber,
but nationally. A plea though, do look
closely at the quality of the pictures
being sent with stories; many have
been rejected as they were of poor
quality or content and would detract
from what would otherwise be good
contributions. Keep sending your
stories and do please note the copy
dates below and the guidance notes
on submission of articles.
Colonel David Fuller OBE
this year. It has been a great pleasure
to read the stories of where they
were then and now, and it is trusted
you too find them interesting. If you
were featured in an edition of 2005,
or even if not but you were serving
then, please do let the Editor know, all
contributions welcome!
As we head into Spring it is
anticipated that there will be a
flurry of activities taking place
across Yorkshire and the Humber
and cadets with their leaders will
start to get outdoors again for more
training, be it full bore shooting,
fieldcraft, adventure training, Duke of
Edinburgh’s awards, sailing and much
more. Do keep submitting your stories
of what you have been up to as it is
always interesting to see the cadets
benefiting from the wide number
of opportunities within the Cadet
If you are a unit commander, or even
if not but you are interested in telling
Disclaimer: The views expressed by the
contributors to The Cadet Review are not
necessarily those of the Editor, MOD, Royal
Navy, Army, Royal Air Force or the publishers
and do not reflect SCC, ACF, Air Cadet or CCF
policy. All precautions are taken to ensure
accuracy. Advertisements are accepted on the
understanding that they conform to the British
Code of Advertising Practice. This magazine is
published by kind permission of the Chairman,
RFCA for Yorkshire and the Humber.
Published on behalf of
The RFCA for Yorkshire and The Humber by
D E S I G N & P U B L I S H
Crest Publications
12 Brooklands Court,
Kettering Venture Park, Kettering,
Northants NN15 6FD.
Telephone: 01536 317000

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