Page 44 - MERCIAN Eagle 2011
P. 44

                                 Colonel-in-Chief’s Visit to Palace Barracks
 On 4 Feb 11, 2 MERCIAN were fortunate enough to welcome HRH The Prince of Wales and HRH The Duchess of Cornwall to Palace Barracks, Belfast. It had been two years since the last royal visit to 2 MERCIAN in 2008 post Op HERRICK
6 and The Colonel-in-Chief was keen
to catch up with the men and women
of 2 MERCIAN after their most recent deployment on Op HERRICK 10. HRH The Prince of Wales had written to the Battalion on several occasions throughout their deployment and the letters were always sincere and heart felt, so it
was an excellent opportunity to repay the Colonel-in-Chief for his continued support.
Accompanied by the Regimental Colonel, the couple were initially briefed by the Commanding Officer and his Battalion HQ staff on the rehabilitation and regeneration following a challenging tour as the OMLT Battlegroup, and
given details on what the future holds
for the Battalion, the headline being the impending deployment in Sep 11 on
Op HERRICK 15, the Battalion’s fourth tour of Afghanistan in 7 years. Following the brief, during which HRH showed a detailed understanding of the key issues surrounding the Battalion, The Colonel- in-Chief made his way to the Battalion internal jobs fayre, where he relished the opportunity to meet soldiers and officers from all five companies. The fayre is run on a yearly basis in order to advertise the internal career opportunities across the Battalion and give soldiers the ability to make an educated decision on where they would like to serve should gaps be available. The latest kit and equipment was on display to add clarity, and indeed to try and sell the specialist departments within the infantry to the soldiers. The
Major Bayliss (Senior Major) holds his breath just after his son ‘attacks’ the Prince with a flag
 fayre had a significant effect on the rebalancing of our Fire Support Company, meaning the ORBAT for Individual Mission Specific Training and later our deployment would be consistent and therefore allow the soldiers entering into a new field of expertise to become fully trained prior to Afghanistan.
Whilst The Colonel-in-Chief was getting to grips with the sharpshooter rifle at the jobs fayre and wondering if it was too late to contemplate a career change, HRH The Duchess of Cornwall was escorted
to the Holywood Station community centre where she met with civilian staff, pre-school children and welfare support staff. Accompanied by the Commanding Officer’s wife Sarah and Capt Al Hewitt (UWO) it proved to be an excellent opportunity for HRH, The Duchess of Cornwall, to see what life is like for
the families during a residential tour in Northern Ireland.
HRH The Prince of Wales and HRH The Duchess of Cornwall were then invited
to take part in an Officers Mess photo to commemorate the visit before heading to the Warrant Officers and Sergeants Mess for lunch with 2 MERCIAN families. The Royal couple chatted freely to the soldiers and their families, listening intently. Post lunch the opportunity was taken for HRH to present a number of medals including Long Service and Good Conduct Medals to Colour Sergeant Thornton and Sergeant Seaby and a Mention in Despatches citation to Warrant Officer Class Two Paul Muckle.
In summary, the visit provided an excellent opportunity for 2 MERCIAN
to showcase their professionalism and exceptional character to The Colonel-in- Chief. The soldiers, officers’ and families of the Battalion had an excellent day and appreciated the opportunity to meet the Royal couple.
 Prince Charles meets soldiers from B Coy at a Battalion Jobs Fayre. From left to right Cpl Feaney, HRH, Pte Gibbins and Pte Rollinson

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