Page 50 - MERCIAN Eagle 2011
P. 50

4 Platoon
5 Platoon
6 Platoon
Maj S Burton Capt M Pass WO2 J Rollins
Lt J Cook Sgt Williams Sgt Ross
Capt J Beardsworth Sgt Macpherson Sgt Dugmore
Lt M Fulford Sgt Werrett Sgt Smith
                                   B Company
The soldiers of B Company have completed yet another remarkable tour. Initially operating with 16 Air Assault Brigade on Op HERRICK 13 and then subsequently with 3 Commando Brigade on Op HERRICK 14. During our deployment elements
of B Company were employed across the entire Task Force Helmand Area of Operations. The MERCIAN cap badge was also found in Maiwand district working alongside US Army and US Marine Corps units in Kandahar Province. This variety of tasks and locations ensured the men remained focussed as the threat continued to morph whilst they manoeuvred around Southern Afghanistan. As the only Armoured Infantry sub-unit in theatre we expected uncertainty but the variety of roles and tasks we were given surprised everybody. From conventional tasks such as ANSF development and route security to the more exotic taskings including helicopter assaults and complex recovery operations the men of B Company always performed to the highest of standards.
The last 7 months will have been a life changing experience for many and I am delighted to say
that everybody has faced the ordeals, hardships and challenges head on and come through it in style – exhausted, still smiling and above all not shouting about what we have done; our actions speak for themselves. The following pages will not truly capture many aspects of the tour; the wide eyed excitement and banter that followed the near misses, the good humour that surrounded what others saw as our misfortune at being so isolated, the excitement and accompanying nervousness as orders were issued and the adrenalin rush as we closed with the enemy. But I hope they will bring the tour to life for those who were not there and serve as a reminder of what we achieved for those who did deploy.
The area of Southern Afghanistan in which
we operated has always been a complex and violent place, one ruled by the gun and one where life is cheap. But despite the many difficulties
we experienced we managed to increase the capacity of the Afghan Security Forces and helped the Afghan people along their obstacle strewn path to democracy. The men of B Company left Afghanistan in a much better state than they found it due to their hard work, relentless patrolling and dogged determination to succeed. I genuinely believe we have made Afghanistan a better place even if our successes are fragile. I also believe
that everyone who has returned from Afghanistan has become a better person, learning a great deal about themselves. Only those who were there
will understand the heat, the ever present dust
and of course the daily ration of instant mashed potato. We fought against a determined and very capable enemy and faced a persistent threat. The physical and moral courage and determination required at every level to knowingly place ourselves in harms way can not be underestimated. The
men of B Company were the embodiment of the Regimental motto they stood firm and stuck hard and did not take a backward step throughout the tour. The bonds forged by those that faced these circumstances are strong, very strong indeed and will last forever, but the soldiers were not the only ones who faced tough times. I would also like to pay tribute to the wives, families and loved ones of those who deployed because we could not have succeeded without you.
But now - what about the future? Firstly we
will enjoy our post operational leave and then following the KAPE tour and adventure training take Christmas leave. 2012 will see us prepare for BATUS as we are due to deploy on Ex PRAIRIE THUNDER with the SCOTS DG BG. There will be lots of hurdles along the way but I am sure we will cross each one in good order and maintain our excellent reputation. Never ones to rest on our laurels the training has already begun and we plan to hit the prairie running.
Finally, I would like to congratulate the following soldiers on the new additions to their families: Pte Burt, Pte Cartlidge, Cpl Geoghegan, Cpl Goodwin, Pte Mensah, LCpl Powell, Pte Smith 17, Cpl Taylor, Pte Ward, Sgt Wardle, Pte Waters and Sgt Werrett.
Well done and thanks to you all – it was an honour to serve alongside you!

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