Page 31 - 2011 AMA Summer
P. 31

                   sequent backlog of exasperated travellers waiting to start their trek was posing problems. However, it pays to be philosophical at times like this, patience is a virtue.
Eventually good news relieved the pressure and after four days of waiting patiently, the weather in Lukla improved and the massive lift of travellers to the mountains was underway.
The expedition started for real.
Wed 13 Oct – Kathmandu domestic airport was awash with a throng of people and luggage all fighting their way through to receive the much prized boarding pass. We were on board a plane sitting on the tarmac but yet one more stumbling block before we could take off – early morning fog at Kathmandu. The mountain airstrip at Lukla may have been bathing in sunshine but we were going nowhere until the pilot could see more than 10 yards down the run-
way in Kathmandu. More tension, but eventually the fog cleared and we took off into the blue skies and headed for the horizon.
The spectacular forty minute flight fully lived up to its expectations as the fertile valleys gave way to a vista of huge, snow-capped mountains in every direction. A little turbulence added to the grow- ing excitement of landing on the shortest airstrip in the world. When the pilot closed down his engines in the small arrival bay we clapped profusely, mainly with relief but also in recognition of his skill. The cooler and somewhat fresher air filling our lungs reminded us that we had landed at 2800m. We were met by Prem, the head trekking guide, and ushered through the narrow cobbled streets, followed by our equipment porters, to the first lodge where we would have a hearty breakfast. I was aghast at the sight of a small Starbuck’s cof- fee shop, surely the highest in the world. I suppose this should not come as a surprise as globalisation has percolated to almost every corner of the world and this extremely popular trekking area for

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