Page 11 - Simply Vegetables Summer 2022
P. 11
Membership Renewals, Direct Debits, Debit/ Credit Cards, Gift Aid & Standing Orders
As you will be aware, NVS Membership historically ran from 1st Jan to 31st Dec each year, with a majority of our members paying manually either by cash or cheque. As previously reported when the new on-line membership system was introduced, membership now runs for a rolling12-month basis from the date you joined, with over 65% of our members now paying by Credit/Debit Card or by Direct Debit, which is convenient for our members and makes the management of your membership much easier.
Please read the following carefully, as it explains the payment methods available to you.
Manual renewal
Included in your SV (Autumn 2021 edition) was a flier - your Manual Membership Renewal Form for 2022. This year (2022) we will be inserting the Manual Membership Renewal Form flier for 2023 renewals in the Winter 2022/23 edition of SV in order to reduce
Credit/Debit Card Payment Renewals online
You can also renew your membership using your credit
/ debit card which can also easily be done on-line via
our web site. This makes it quick and easy for you and
it reduces the workload for our volunteers who process your membership. A big thank you to those who have already switched to Card payment, this is currently sitting at over 460 members which is 24% of all membership subscriptions. We use a company called Stripe to process card payments on behalf of the NVS and the only card details that we hold on file are the last four digits of your card and the card expiry date.
Standing Orders
We still have a small number of members who have not yet replaced their standing order with one of our preferred forms of payment. Can you please look change this before your renewal becomes due at the end of this year as it
the large number of renewals received in October, some three months before the renewal was due, all of which needed to be recorded ahead of updating the system in January.
We would politely ask that you give consideration to switching to Credit/Debit Card or Direct Debit payment for 2023, however we do understand that some members prefer to use manual payments which is fine by us and we thank you for that. Can we please ask that you return your completed form and cheque to Norman Dickinson, his details are listed on the Form, and please make cheques payable to “National Vegetable Society” (not NVS). Please note that only members who paid manually in 2022 will receive a renewal form flier in their Winter 2022/23 SV Magazine.
Direct Debit (DD)
Ideally, we would like to encourage as many of our members as possible to switch over and pay their membership subscription via Direct Debit, which can now be done easily via our website.
A big thank you to those who have already switched to DD payment where we have seen an uptake to over 780 members using DD, which is 41% of all membership subscriptions. We use a company called GoCardless
to process the Direct Debit payments on behalf of the NVS and as a Society we DO NOT hold any of your bank details on file.
causes a vast amount of additional work and would be most appreciated.
Gift Aid
Please can we ask that you double check your gift aid status and update it if required. If you require to cancel your gift aid declaration at any time (e.g. if your paid income tax is less than the amount the NVS claims on your donation level or if you no longer pay income tax), please let the society know when you return your form. Please be aware that most retired people do pay income tax on their pensions. You can now access your own data preferences and update your gift aid preference as noted below.
NVS Members Account
All members have the facility to create
their own Member Account, which once you have registered and are logged in opens up sections
of the website only available to NVS members. From your membership dashboard you can change your personal details, manage email addresses and password, change your membership payment preference and update your card details if you use this method of payment, manage Gift Aid and decide how you wish to be communicated to.
Should you require further clarification relating to the above, please contact me, my details are on the website and in the SV magazine.
Norman Dickinson
Membership Registrar
Ideally, we would like to encourage as many of our members as possible to switch over and pay their membership subscription via Direct Debit
Simply Vegetables 11