Page 27 - Simply Vegetables Summer 2022
P. 27
4.00pm on Friday 23rd September in the Perry Suite, The Three Counties Showground,Malvern, WR13 6NW
1. Welcome (SH)
2. Apologies for Absence (FS)
3. Chair’s Report (SH)
4. President’s Address (MW)
5. To consider the election of the following positions (SH);
When using electronic banking systems, authorisation should be confirmed by two authorised individuals. Where electronic banking systems only require one signature, approval of payment must be confirmed by a second authority, and emails are accepted as proof of agreement.’
Section 11a) Add new officer role; ix Sponsorship Manager
12.To Consider the election of the following new position ( assuming proposed change listed in 11.3 above is approved).
Tenure Years Position Nominee Proposer Seconder
3 Yrs 2022/25 Sponsorship Manager
13. Any Other Business (to be submitted in writing to the National Secretary by 30th July 2022) (FS)
14.Meeting close - Chair. (SH)
Tenure 1 Yr
3 Yrs 3 Yrs
Years Position
2022/23 President
2022/25 Vice Chair
2022/25 Webmaster
Medwyn Williams FNVS
6. Minutes of the 2021 AGM (held in Atcham) (SH)
7. MattersArising(SH)
Trustee Roles
For our AGM in September, we are looking to fill three officer roles.
1) ViceChair
Sadly, Ian Stocks has decided to stand down as Vice Chair as he feels it is only fair that we have an active Vice Chair and currently Ian feels he cannot provide the level of support required in this role whilst he continues to focus on his treatment for cancer. We would like to thank Ian
for his extensive, active, driven, and positive support in his role and we wish him all the very best as he focusses on what is far more important in life.
2) Web Master
As you may be aware, the role of web master has been vacant, however the Trustees had split certain tasks to accommodate the new introduction of the new Website and facebook pages, the upkeep and further development of these tools and the increased level of up to date communications and news.
3) Sponsorship Manager
Gareth Cameron, in addition to his Scottish Branch Trustee Rep position which he took on board back in 2016 Gareth also developed and mastered the additional role of Sponsorship Manager. Gareth has sadly decided to stand down from his role and feels now is the right time for someone fresh to take on board the important role
of working with and developing our partnerships. We would like to thank Gareth for his relentless enthusiastic networking and delivering of ideas and support for the NVS.
Please note, the title of Sponsorship Manager was created via Trustee minutes, it has not yet been formally added to the NVS rules as an officer. We propose to add this as an additional officer title during the AGM.
If anyone is interested in finding out more and joining the trustee team, then please contact one of your local Trustees or Fiona Shenfield, NVS General Secretary. (Contact details on page 3 of your SV Magazine).
8. Annual Report of the Trustees for 2021/2022 - Secretary’s Report (FS)
9. Annual Report and Accounts for year end 2021 -Treasurer’s Report (JF)
10.To consider the election of the Independent Examiner (SH)
(Existing Accountants ; Cutler & Co. Chartered Certified accountants, Leeds).
11. Proposed NVS Rule Changes (FS)
Proposed changes.
11.1 Update section 5d to replace “constitution” with “National Vegetable Society General Rules”
5d) The Trustees may appoint from paid up members of the Society such additional officers as it may deem desirable. Such officers may, at the complete discretion of the Trustees, be members of, or observers at, the Trustees meeting. Persons appointed to such offices shall retire from office at the close
of the Trustees meeting immediately preceding the following A.G.M. but shall be eligible for re-appointment by the Trustees at the first meeting thereafter. If such offices are deemed necessary for more than three consecutive years the Trustees must propose an appropriate amendment to the National Vegetable Society General Rules at the third A.G.M. following the first appointment to the office concerned.
11.2 Due to the new banking methods, the NVS rules are required to be updated to reflect this, across all levels of the Society. Currently it only really addresses Branch level and does not cover electronic banking.
a) Remove item 5h (under “Branches”) then rename 5.i to 5.h b) Rename Section 8 FROM “FINANCIAL YEAR” TO
c) Create two new paragraphs with Section 8;
8.1 Thefinancialyearshallendon31stDecemberofeachyear.
8.2 All Officers of the Society are responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Society, preventing fraud or financial mistakes. To minimise the likelihood at either Trustee, Branch or District Association level, all cheques must be signed by two signatories.
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