Page 21 - Simply Veg 4 2022
P. 21

                                   • SecondDoreen[thisisaveryold jersey variety that has been renamed. • The12varietiesoftomatoesthatwere
judged for flavour were as follows
Bite size
Doreen, Sungold, Yellow Mimi, Apros, Sweet Aperitif, Sweet Million and Riesling. The larger varieties
Sunrise, Devon Potato Leaf. Ox heart, Country Taste and Marzona.
My thanks to the Judges.
Part 2
Following on from this article:
As I was going to visit the Southern branch championships in the New Forest, I thought it might be an idea to take along the two winning varieties of tomatoes for the
judges to sample and give their verdict on their flavour. So, I filled a couple of plastic containers with these precious tomatoes and presented them to the chairman of the Southern Branch Norman Dickinson
Pint sized Peas
who is also chairman of the Sussex District Association and asked him if he would
like to put this to the test amongst his Colleagues purely as a taster and not
as show specimens. The idea was well received so a team of judges who were keen to sample our Jersey tomatoes got together in readiness for the sampling which took place in the horticultural marquee. The names of the judges who kindly took the time to give their verdicts on the tasting was as follows: Norman Dickinson, Jan Lovell, Keith Hine and Kelvin Mason
This was the result 1st Devon Potato Leaf, Second Sunrise. This was on a 3 to 1 basis, with the emphasis being that the Devon Potato Leaf tomato was slightly sweeter
than Sunrise.
Unfortunately I didn’t have the time to
bring along the other ten varieties as this was a last-minute idea. I hope at some time we can do this again, but with more varieties to sample.
I wonder what the result would be then.
I am pleased to say that one of our oldest varieties of Jersey tomatoes were bought back to life at the Southern Branch Championships at the New Forest Show after all these absent years.
These same varieties were once exported in wooden trays in their thousands to the UK after the Second World War .
My thanks to the Judges who took this initiative in sampling our Jersey tomatoes.
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