Page 24 - Simply Veg 4 2022
P. 24
Social success in West Bridgford
An active Social Programme, well-run meetings and regular activities ensure the continued success of the vegetable gardens in West Bridgford
The gardens are in the fertile valley of the River Trent, sheltered from the worst of the winter weather by the hills of Derbyshire making it a most suitable place to produce food for the table.
There is no doubt that the Covid-19
epidemic has had a positive influence of the plots, inspiring new growers and their families to further appreciate their allotment and be able to pick an abundance of fresh fruit in the summer sunshine.
During the long days at the end of June, the supporters of the annual “Best Plot Competition” could be found working hard putting the finishing touches to their entry.
All are aware that their allotment
soil, edges and hedges should be well cultivated and presented.
Use their gardening skills to plan and produce a continuity of sturdy, healthy crops to take home and be enjoyed.
Control pests and diseases, like pinching out the tops of broad beans and using mesh to protect against the growing number of unwanted insects.
Using mulch to fight off weed growth and retain moisture in the soil.
Although overall cleanliness and appearance to the garden only effect a small portion of the marks awarded by the judges, it is probably the most time consuming and satisfying job.
As the day of decision approaches, the early morning contenders can appreciate watching the Muntjac deer nibbling their neighbour’s pears at sun rise, whilst the rival competitors keep an eye on the local hedgehog residents well into the dusk of the evening.
The plots are considered and assessed by an expert individual and the winning plot chosen is considered to be the best of the year.
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