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                                 NVS Awards 2022
  Earlier this year, the NVS’s Award review board sat to review and award this year’s award applications. We are delighted to advise that a quantity of 8 Fellowships, two silver medals and three Gold medals have been awarded to acknowledge the support and hard work of some of our members.
Here is a short summary of each award recipient to give you an insight into their contributions.
Midlands Branch
David (Sam) Forrester
Sam has been a Midlands Branch Committee member for over ten years and currently holds the position of Vice Chair. Sam became a qualified NVS judge in 2016 and judges at all levels from local shows, Branch Championships and at the National Championships at Malvern this year. David is a very active and enthusiastic member of the Midland Branch you will find him talking to the public on many stands/ displays for which is has grown many plants. Sam is also a Midlands Branch Trustee Rep.
Midlands Branch
Albert Walker
Albert joined the NVS and the West Midlands DA when it formed in 2012. Albert has been growing plants for the BBC Gardeners World Display stand, being a regular contributor since the DA started
in 2017. Albert is an active DA committee member and runs the raffles and maintains the attendance records for the DA and assists every year at the DA’s local plant sales. Albert also recently joined the Midlands Branch Committee in 2022.
Southern Branch
Norman Dickinson
Norman joined the NVS in 2017 and after helping out at various Sussex DA Events Norman formally joined the Sussex DA Committee in January 2019 as Vice Chair and subsequently Chair in Jan 2022. Norman Volunteered to become Chair
of the Southern Branch in March 2019, a position he still holds today. Norman has been very active in organising various Shows at DA, Branch and National Levels including the development and running of the 2021 Southern Branch Virtual Show. In 2021, Norman also took on the role
of Membership Registrar and is also a Southern Branch Trustee Rep.
Southern Branch
Chris Passey
Chris is the Secretary of the Kent DA and recently also joined the Southern Branch Committee as the DA representative. Chris has been judging for over 15 years and became a qualified NVS judge in 2012. Chris judges at all levels including having judged at the Southern Branch and National Championships. A regular contributor for the SV Magazine and also regular supporter of numerous display stands, from setting up to offering advice. Chris is also on the committee of the Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies, promoting the NVS.
Welsh Branch
Gareth Morris
Gareth is an active member of Welsh Branch Committee and became the Welsh branch Membership Secretary in 2018. A key contributor at Welsh branch meetings and prolific fundraiser plus organised the Welsh Branch Championships in Wrexham. Gareth has given numerous talks to local gardening clubs in his area and promotes the NVS and is also a veg grower and exhibitor.
Welsh Branch
Tom Maher
Tom was a founding member of the NVS in Ireland (Irish DA). Tom has always facilitated a venue for the Irish DA AGM every year, at Tullamore Show and is a regular contributor to the DA newsletter. Tom is one of the most admired judges
in the Ireland - he has judged at the very highest level in Ireland - judging the “All Ireland Potato and Onion championships”.
David (Dave) Peel
Dave has been a West Yorkshire DA committee member from 2011 to 2015 and a regular provider of vegetables and transport for the DA’s display stand at Harrogate each year. A qualified Judge, Dave has judged both at local and DA level to date. Dave gives local talks on the cultivation of potatoes and runs an advice table at his local allotment open days, where he is also their Show Manager.
Olive Peel
Olive joined the NVS in 2010 and joined the West Yorkshire DA in 2012, helping as assistant Secretary, also became the DA’s Vice Chair in 2022. Olive has given many talks at DA and local levels on growing kitchen vegetables and growing in a deep bed system. In addition to exhibiting, Olive also takes on the role of Steward at shows and often helps in the staging and dismantling “end of show” sale of the DA display stand.
Midlands Branch
Jean Forrester
Jean joined the NVS in 2004 and became the Midlands Branch Treasurer in 2014 after helping out in 2013, a position that Jean still holds to this day. Jean was a previous member of the North Midlands DA and helps out at Branch Shows including results compilation. In 2019,
Jean volunteered to become our National Treasurer and still holds the role today. Jean works tirelessly, daily and will never give
in and she will always get to the bottom of things to ensure a swift resolution. Jean is involved in a number of local shows e.g. Newport Show either in an organisational capacity or judging.
Welsh Branch
Eirian Jones
Eirian has been an active member of the Welsh Branch Committee since 2002. Eirian became a qualified NVS judge
in 2003 and has judges at many local societies shows plus has Judged at the Welsh Branch championships. Eirian has been the Welsh Branch Show Manager since 2017 and also helps store the show equipment. Eirian grows vegetables for Royal Welsh Show display every year and is present for all 4 days of the show helping on the stand promoting the NVS and he sells £00’s worth of raffle tickets every year. Always willing to give advice on vegetable growing and promoting the NVS, Eirian is a great ambassador for the Welsh branch.
Scottish Branch
Gareth Cameron
Gareth has been a hard-working NVS member for approximately 30 years, initially with the Northern Branch and then
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