Page 7 - Simply Veg 4 2022
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The summer trustee meeting was held on the 28th of June via Zoom. Our Chair, Sandra Hall thanked everyone for attending the meeting. A special word of welcome was extended to Frank Taylor who was joining the board as a Scottish Branch Trustee Rep.
Fiona Shenfield provided an update
to the trustees that all applications for NVS awards 2022 were approved by the awards review board. Congratulations to all award recipients on your well-deserved achievement.
Normal Dickinson issued a membership report in advance of the meeting and reported that our membership is generally holding strong for 2022. Concerns were raised in both Scottish and Welsh branches about the delay in issuing of membership cards. It was reported that some tweaks are required to the website around renewals which will need to be resolved for 2023.
A workshop will also be arranged with branch membership secretaries to discuss and agree information flow and roles and responsibilities to ensure everyone is clear on the new process. If any member has not received their membership card could they please drop Norman an email so it can be resolved.
A special word of thanks was expressed to all the volunteers who gave their time to support Marshalls with their Garden display
June 16th to 19th in Birmingham. This was an important venture which we hope bodes well for our continued partnership with Marshalls in the future.
Medwyns of Anglesey provided free seed in the Winter edition (2021/22) of the SV Magazine for 2022’s Chair’s Challenge. We are looking forward to seeing a large entry in this class in Malvern in addition to hearing how our kitchen growers got on with them. It was reported that DT Brown will supply a packet of Falco Turnip to each member next year, it is now confirmed
that this will be the vegetable chosen for the 2023 chair’s choice class at the 2023 National Championships. It was agreed that we would prepare a mini survey and issue to members in September to gain feedback on how the free vegetables seed provided by our partners 2021/22 grew. We would be grateful if you could spare a couple of minutes to complete and submit your feedback.
A large number of volunteers came forward for seed trails. These were split into 30 for Marshalls and 30 for DT Brown. The Marshalls seeds were sent out directly to the volunteer’s mid-March. Sadly, DT Brown had issues with their seeds being distributed and they went out at the end of May. We hope the vegetables are growing well and look forward to seeing all your notes and photos at the end of the season.
Last winter’s zoom recordings are now available to view on the website. We are also working on transferring the old DVDs to digital content so we can also add to
the website as another “members only” benefit. The zoom talks will return again
at the end of October, after the clocks change so please keep an eye on social media and on the website for further information and details on how you can register you intertest in attending. It was reported from the branch trustees that DA talks are back up and running which was warmly welcomed. All Society events are advertised on the website so its easy to see what events are upcoming in your area.
The NVS Judges exam ( Theory & Practical) is planned for Saturday the 1st of October. A number of candidates from the Welsh Branch ( including the Irish DA) and the Southern Branch will sit the exam and we wish them all the very best of luck.
The NVS directories are kept up to
date and are available to view via the website. It was requested if any Branch
or DA changes its officers that this
is communicated to Fiona Shenfield.
The national AGM was scheduled for September 23rd in Malvern, Three Counties Showground and the next meeting for the Trustees will be scheduled for October 11th.
News from the Trustees
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