Page 49 - RADC 2016
P. 49
SSgt Slade-Jones and Lt Col N Dufty
great altitude training but not so nice on the legs!!
The nerves are high throughout
and you usually have 2 runs each
a day. You start on the lower runs
and gradually build up as the week progresses. If driving is not for you,
you can stay as brakeman but together you must put your trust in each other and communicate well. You will form a strong team that heavily relies on each other developing team work and courage.
Courage is the biggest quality you need
in my opinion and this is not for the faint hearted, but the adrenaline rush at the end of the run is addictive! No run feels the same and the aim is to get to the end as quickly as possible. No previous experience is required you just need lots of enthusiasm!
Following on from my rst week I was recommended to apply for Ex Racing Ice 2 which is aiming to be selected for and competing at Inter-Corps which was in Winterberg, Germany. Again separate funding is required and you have to make your own way there. After learning the new track and having a strong week, I
...more maintenance...
Give us a shove
was selected to represent the Army at the Interservices.
The Winter sports of Bob, Luge and Skeleton offer an amazing opportunity
to learn something new offering both danger and speed. It promotes team work, discipline (to learn the track and maintain your sleds/kit) and concentration. It builds your con dence and most de nitely ‘stretches’ what you think you are capable of.
If you are interested you can nd more information at: