Page 64 - RADC 2016
P. 64

AMS Netball
The AMS Netball Team recently returned from Ex Medic Netrus 16, Netball Training Camp in British Forces Cyprus. During the week we had training sessions and matches at RAF Akrotiri. The AMS Netball squad visited teams and took part in matches in Episkopi and Dhekelia (and didn’t lose a match!). The squad also visited Akrotiri School and provided Netball Instruction to the school children which went extremely well.
This week was a great opportunity for the AMS Squad to play Netball overseas against credible local opposition. The tour also helped develop players both improving individual skills and in providing a platform for the AMS to bond as a Team, prior to
the Inter-Corps Championships held at Aldershot Gymnasium late in October 2016.
AMS Netball Squad
The Squad was led by Capt L MacMahon (AMS Squad Manager) who did a fantastic job – All team members thoroughly enjoyed the week and gained a lot from it.
Roses and Thorns
RADC personnel that attended:
SSgt Zoe Beckett (author) SSgt Michelle Slade-Jones LCpl Gabrielle Bryan
Army Volleyball
Major Orianne Moxon RADC
I started training with the Army Ladies Volleyball Squad in an unexpected fashion. On arrival in the rather remote 23 Para Engr Regt (Woodbridge) in Nov 14
I soon realised I needed to  nd a sports club for some social interaction, female peers and non-Para PT!
I nervously joined two volleyball clubs in Stowmarket and fell right back in love with the sport having last played when I was 16 years old! My clinic was running late one afternoon in Jun 15, and I reassured my last patient that I would not keep him too late as I had to make my volleyball training which was an hour away. He turned out to be the Men’s Army Volleyball manager. After a brief chat about my background he put me in touch with the Army Volleyball Association secretary. They had a training camp on the next week and she recommended I should go and see what they were about.
It turns out the ladies were preparing to defend their Inter Services title that month and had just won the Crown Services (Army, RAF, Navy, Police, Fire and Prison) in May. It was the only Army win in 43 years of the Crowns and the Army Ladies were the team to beat! Sadly I could not make the training with a week’s notice but gladly received the news that the ladies were Crown and Inter Service champions once again and that I should turn up at the next training camp. No pressure!
I turned up in Nov 2015 and was glad that I had the experience of 3 sessions a week for the last year behind me. A lot of the girls were younger and  tter, but only
really touched a volleyball for 2 weeks a year. The senior squad mostly seemed to play for their local or national league clubs and included a couple of ex England juniors, Ex Team GB and Ex Fijian national players.
 nal and doing myself proud by getting a small mention in Soldier magazine for my role in our success. I took over as Ladies Team Manager in Aug 16 in preparation for our  rst season in the National Volleyball League, which we entered for the  rst time in the team’s history. This opportunity gives us much needed match time together and experience on court and showcases Army sport at a National level.
This time last year I had never played with the Army team. I considered myself to be a recreational volleyball player. I had spent 7 years in the Army not giving my volleyball experience much thought in
spite of my school coach being the Swaziland National coach (Swaziland not Switzerland). It had never occurred to me that I may be good enough for Army level volleyball.
If I had to give any advice it is “Go for it! You may be
better than you think, especially with
the right coaching”. Get involved with Inter-Unit sport as you never know which Army scouts could be watching. A last word of advice – read Soldier magazine!
I kick myself about this, as I could have contacted the AVA and joined the squad 7 years ago! Instead now I really do have to stay in the RADC until I’m 40 if I want Army Colours [joke]. Seriously, just go for it, what is there to lose?
Over the next 2 training camps I got shuf ed from pillar to post around court trying to prove that I was worthy of playing the position I wanted (outside hitter).
After a few friendly  xtures warming the bench I  nally got my  rst game at the
Apr 16 training camp and it felt amazing
to be wearing an Army shirt. I was in a different position than normal but it didn’t matter though, I was in the team! Sadly
it meant the end
of AMS swimming
and athletics as I
couldn’t be released
to do both. The next
challenge was to
defend the Crowns
and Inters titles in
May and Jun 16.
The Army Sports
Control Board had forked out hundreds
on new kit and equipment off the back of the 2015 success and our coach had just been nominated for Army Sports Award Of cial of the year so we had a lot to prove but I had no idea who we were up against having not seen the previous years!
Long story short, we won both competitions! I was humbled to be on the starting line-up for both Crown and Inter Services; earning my  rst Army cap, delivering the last serve of the Crowns
It had never occurred to me that I
may be good enough for Army level sport.

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