Page 81 - RADC 2016
P. 81
Channing Day Trophy
September 13th 2016 Cpl Sian Sugden
Every year the AMS 6’s take place in September. This tournament is for both Male and Female participants within
the AMS. This tournament shows the versatility of soldiers, how they can lead on the pitch and work as a team. The wider AMS Football team also use this event to scout potential players and new talent.
The Female tournament has recently been named ‘The Channing Day Trophy’ in memory of the late Cpl Channing Day RAMC who was tragically killed in Helmand during 2013.
The RADC teamed up with DMG (N) to enter a Female team for the event with the Corps being represented by Maj Brown, Sgt Grif ths, Cpl Sugden and LCpl Jones.
The Day kicked off at 0800 with a brief for Team Captains, the Do’s and Don’ts / rules of the Tournament and the location
of the toilets (100m, 5 knuckles left, lone bush). Maj Brown was extremely organised, bringing along sun cream (mainly for the freckly and ginger members of the team), bottles of water and bags of enthusiasm to see us through the 28c+ day.
Each game was 15 minutes each way with a total of 3 matches in the rst round and 3 matches in the Semi Finals, followed by the two top teams going head to head in the nal.
Our rst game was against RCDM. Our rst goal went in after just one minute then there were another couple in the second half giving us our rst win of the Tournament.
Starting the Tournament on a high we went on to win the next game against 16 Med Regt who had Corps / Army footballers
playing for them, they were still no match for our RADC/DMG(N) team.
We went on to win all of our matches to take us into the Final against 5 Med Regt. The sun was still belting and after back to back group games, amounting to 3 hour of Football, the heat started to take its toll on the players. In the
as we sank to a creditable 1-0 defeat. Not all was lost, team RADC/DMG(N) worked hard, especially for a team who
had never played together before and for most never even met each other before. On the day we showed grit, determination and most of all comradeship and team work.
We came runners up and were presented with Silver medals by Col Boreham RAMC (Chairman
of Womens’
Football). We left
the Tournament feeling proud to have represented the RADC
at this AMS event.
Next year it is hoped that we may be
able to enter both a male and female team; contact me if you are interested.
First 45 seconds 5
Med Regt scored a
screamer straight from
K.O. After many shots
on target RADC/
DMG(N) just couldn’t
get a ball past the 5
Med Keeper. The half
time whistle blew and
Maj Brown came running on with the half time oranges. Another 15 minutes we dug deep and held 5 Med off, no more goals were scored by either team. The nal whistle blew, 5 Med Regt had won the Tournament
We went on to win all of our matches to take us into the Final...