Page 20 - NAS Rule book 2017
P. 20

12.8 The order of business of the annual general meeting as set out in Section D of the Standards and Procedures shall be observed.
12.9 No sectarian or party political questions shall be raised at ANY meeting of the Society and no action of the Society shall be directed towards the propagation of any political party or religious body.
12.10 Voting at General meetings will be on the basis of one vote per registered Member and follow Section C of the Standards and Procedures.
13.1 Membership of the Governance Committee
13.1.1 The Governance Committee shall be composed of a minimum of five Members, at least one being nominated by one of the local authority Members of the Society.
13.1.2 The Governance Committee will elect a Chairperson from amongst its own number.
13.1.3 The Members of the Governance Committee will be elected on a rota basis from the general membership with each Member to serve for a maximum of three terms of three years each.
13.1.4 Members of the Governance Committee shall comply with the Code of Conduct in Section E of the Standards and Procedures.
13.2 Election of Governance Committee
13.2.1 Nominations shall follow the nominations procedure set out in Section B of the
Standards and Procedures.
13.2.2 Voting for members of the Governance Committee shall follow Section C of the Standards and Procedures.
13.2.3 The Governance Committee shall meet as often and at such times as is required to carry out its business effectively.
13.2.4 The Governance Committee may at any time fill a casual vacancy on the Governance Committee by co-option. Co-optees must be Members of the Society and shall serve on the Governance Committee until the next annual general meeting where the place shall be subject to the nomination and voting procedures as laid down in Sections B & C of the Standards and Procedures.
13.3 The functions of the Governance Committee are to:
13.3.1 Ensure that all parts of the Society, operate within the law, the Nolan Principles of Public Life as set down in Section E of the Standards and Procedures and these Rules of the Society, and scrutinize the decisions of the Management Committee.
13.3.2 Confirm that the agenda for the annual general meeting and any extraordinary

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