Page 26 - Thrapston Life April 2024
P. 26

   line. This was replaced with the blue brick bridge still in place today which opened in 1922.
The local angling club held a meet at the mill in October 1966, which was badly affected by heavy rain, leaving a winning catch of just 4lbs (just under 2kg) which consisted only of gudgeon.
The Islip annual raft race raising funds for the village took place in August 1986, the course being from Thrapston Mill to Islip Mill.
The two pictures titled The Mill Marina are both from about this time. The front of a publicity flier for Mill Marina Caravan Park during the 1990’s is also shown.
Today very little of the mill remains and what does is only visible from either Midland Road or from the old railway bridge.
If you are interested in the water and steam mills of Northamptonshire, an excellent book written by Hugh Howes was published by the Northamptonshire Industrial Archaeology Group in 2022, ISBN 978-0-9576647-4-6 priced £20.00 plus £3.50 p&p.
Eric Franklin can be contacted for comments and suggestions for future articles at:

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